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stampic the biggest stamp +picbasic links — Parallax Forums

stampic the biggest stamp +picbasic links

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-10-04 18:10 in General Discussion
well come to stampic the biggest stamp links
please cane any one hellp in driving a relay
by stamp it seems so impoisibel to drive a relay
with out having radio interfering that will
hallt the stamp or make it drive nuts
i know connecting a stamp pin to 1k resistor then to
base of 2n2222 tr .the collecter of the tr to the rl
a diod to the rl two coils ends. is the classic
matheod but that will not worke in the reall world
do the rl have to be a meatel case as in cars ???

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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-10-04 18:03
    RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] stampic the biggest stamp +picbasic links

    The projects in your site use text (ASCII) to display circuits layout diagrams. since you are not using a True-type, the spacing is all messed up. You can do one of these 2 things. One, use images and not ASCII. But, if you want to use ASCII, use "Courier New" font to layout diagrams. Courier is a true-type font and will layout well.

    I have recently started a huge Basic Stamp site links and circuit site. It will be found at The site is not officially released yet. But, will be out very soon. I will let you guys know when it's out.


    Original Message

    From: hosain raya [noparse]/noparse][][/url
    Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 11:51 AM
    Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] stampic the biggest stamp +picbasic links

    well come to stampic the biggest stamp links
    please cane any one hellp in driving a relay
    by stamp it seems so impoisibel to drive a relay
    with out having radio interfering that will
    hallt the stamp or make it drive nuts
    i know connecting a stamp pin to 1k resistor then to
    base of 2n2222 tr .the collecter of the tr to the rl
    a diod to the rl two coils ends. is the classic
    matheod but that will not worke in the reall world
    do the rl have to be a meatel case as in cars·· ???

    Do You Yahoo!?
    Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-10-04 18:10
    RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] stampic the biggest stamp +picbasic links
    I must also tell you that HTML will also render spacebars differently, therefore, use   for a single space to render one space char.

    Original Message
    From: Babu, Nagi -*Contractor [noparse][[/noparse]]
    Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 12:04 PM
    To: ''
    Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] stampic the biggest stamp +picbasic links
    Importance: High

    The projects in your site use text (ASCII) to display circuits layout diagrams. since you are not using a True-type, the spacing is all messed up. You can do one of these 2 things. One, use images and not ASCII. But, if you want to use ASCII, use "Courier New" font to layout diagrams. Courier is a true-type font and will layout well.

    I have recently started a huge Basic Stamp site links and circuit site. It will be found at The site is not officially released yet. But, will be out very soon. I will let you guys know when it's out.


    Original Message

    From: hosain raya [noparse]/noparse][][/url
    Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 11:51 AM
    Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] stampic the biggest stamp +picbasic links

    well come to stampic the biggest stamp links
    please cane any one hellp in driving a relay
    by stamp it seems so impoisibel to drive a relay
    with out having radio interfering that will
    hallt the stamp or make it drive nuts
    i know connecting a stamp pin to 1k resistor then to
    base of 2n2222 tr .the collecter of the tr to the rl
    a diod to the rl two coils ends. is the classic
    matheod but that will not worke in the reall world
    do the rl have to be a meatel case as in cars·· ???

    Do You Yahoo!?
    Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free!
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