Pictures of my simple miniature robot - ALIBE
Pictures of my simple miniature robot - ALIBE
After days of work (with my limited skills in electronics and strong programming skills), I was able to finally get my miniature autonomous robot done. I'm calling him - ALIBE - acronym for Artificial LIfe BEing.
ALIBE was built as a social being to fit in a virtual robot farm called - ALIBEN - acronym for Artificial LIfe BEing Niche - where more than one ALIBE will survive and hopefully exhibit social behavior. I have not not completed my other ALIBEs as yet. But, will very soon.
From a technical stand-point ALIBE was built to demonstrate object oriented component building. In the sense, easily reusing the components. ALIBE has different components stacked one above the other.
There are totally 3 layers or modules. The first and foremost is the Microcontroller Module (MM) that comprises of the BS2 and other components that work with BS2 to form the MM. This layer is easily unpluggable and reusable in any other project one wants to. So are the other 2 layers - Sensor Module (SM) and the Driver Module (DM).
The following are the goals for building ALIBE:
1. Miniaturization - to occupy less space in the robot farm ALIBEN
2. Encapsulation - to modularize the components for reusability
3. Extensible - to provide opportunities for expansion of components (adding new sensors, etc)
4. Easy maintenance and debugging.
The following are the tasks given to an ALIBE:
1. Seek light in a given space
2. Seek warmest location in a given space
3. Avoid obstacles while seeking light and warmth
4. Go into a sleep mode when silence is detected in the space
5. wander about.
Tasks 1 and 2 take precedence. Tasks 3 and 4 provide for tasks 1 and 2. Task 4 saves battery time.
The following parts are used in each of the modules:
Microcontroller Module (MM):
1. Basic Stamp II - mounted on a low-profile socket
2. 5V voltage regulator - LM2940
3. Switch to power on/off
4. Reset Button to reset stamp and program
5. Regular phone plug for Serial port with auto detection enabled for PC to recognize the port via modified serial port cable.
6. I/O pins exposure sockets for simple to use plug-in interface from the sensor and other modules.
7. Dedicated Piezo Buzzer on Pin 0
8. LED and 470 resistor for power indicator
9. Vdd / Vss hookups for SM and DM
10. Unregulated Vin for servos
Sensor Module (SM)
1. Left and Right IR Emitter and Sensors - to avoid obstacles
2. Left and Right Photocells - to sense light
3. Digital Thermometer - to sense temperature to seek warmth
4. PCB mounted lowset lowprofile microphone from Radio Shack - to sense silence - to save battery
Driver Module (DM)
1. Two miniature CIRRUS CS-20BB servos - modified as continuous as per guidelines laid down in the Robotics manual from
2. Connectors to go up to the MM
3. 9V battery seater.
4. Rear wheel for balancer
All of these modules are mounted as layers one above the other using stand-offs from Radio Shack. The layers are made using 1.5 inches general purpose Radio Shack PCBs. Wheels are purchased and modified from a hobby store.
Pictures can be found at my site
Future plans:
1.····· PCB it
2.····· Add Beacon for IR serial communication with the other ALIBEs
3.····· Build at least 3 more ALIBEs for the farm.
Please give me any ideas, suggesstions, thoughts, criticizms, anything goes [noparse]:)[/noparse]
nagi babu
After days of work (with my limited skills in electronics and strong programming skills), I was able to finally get my miniature autonomous robot done. I'm calling him - ALIBE - acronym for Artificial LIfe BEing.
ALIBE was built as a social being to fit in a virtual robot farm called - ALIBEN - acronym for Artificial LIfe BEing Niche - where more than one ALIBE will survive and hopefully exhibit social behavior. I have not not completed my other ALIBEs as yet. But, will very soon.
From a technical stand-point ALIBE was built to demonstrate object oriented component building. In the sense, easily reusing the components. ALIBE has different components stacked one above the other.
There are totally 3 layers or modules. The first and foremost is the Microcontroller Module (MM) that comprises of the BS2 and other components that work with BS2 to form the MM. This layer is easily unpluggable and reusable in any other project one wants to. So are the other 2 layers - Sensor Module (SM) and the Driver Module (DM).
The following are the goals for building ALIBE:
1. Miniaturization - to occupy less space in the robot farm ALIBEN
2. Encapsulation - to modularize the components for reusability
3. Extensible - to provide opportunities for expansion of components (adding new sensors, etc)
4. Easy maintenance and debugging.
The following are the tasks given to an ALIBE:
1. Seek light in a given space
2. Seek warmest location in a given space
3. Avoid obstacles while seeking light and warmth
4. Go into a sleep mode when silence is detected in the space
5. wander about.
Tasks 1 and 2 take precedence. Tasks 3 and 4 provide for tasks 1 and 2. Task 4 saves battery time.
The following parts are used in each of the modules:
Microcontroller Module (MM):
1. Basic Stamp II - mounted on a low-profile socket
2. 5V voltage regulator - LM2940
3. Switch to power on/off
4. Reset Button to reset stamp and program
5. Regular phone plug for Serial port with auto detection enabled for PC to recognize the port via modified serial port cable.
6. I/O pins exposure sockets for simple to use plug-in interface from the sensor and other modules.
7. Dedicated Piezo Buzzer on Pin 0
8. LED and 470 resistor for power indicator
9. Vdd / Vss hookups for SM and DM
10. Unregulated Vin for servos
Sensor Module (SM)
1. Left and Right IR Emitter and Sensors - to avoid obstacles
2. Left and Right Photocells - to sense light
3. Digital Thermometer - to sense temperature to seek warmth
4. PCB mounted lowset lowprofile microphone from Radio Shack - to sense silence - to save battery
Driver Module (DM)
1. Two miniature CIRRUS CS-20BB servos - modified as continuous as per guidelines laid down in the Robotics manual from
2. Connectors to go up to the MM
3. 9V battery seater.
4. Rear wheel for balancer
All of these modules are mounted as layers one above the other using stand-offs from Radio Shack. The layers are made using 1.5 inches general purpose Radio Shack PCBs. Wheels are purchased and modified from a hobby store.
Pictures can be found at my site
Future plans:
1.····· PCB it
2.····· Add Beacon for IR serial communication with the other ALIBEs
3.····· Build at least 3 more ALIBEs for the farm.
Please give me any ideas, suggesstions, thoughts, criticizms, anything goes [noparse]:)[/noparse]
nagi babu
Thanks John.
You are very right - I should include code, schematics and others in there. I am planning on making 5 more of these for behavioral participation in the coming couple of months. But, before that, I must somehow burn a few PCBs with my schematics.
I shall keep you guys posted
Thanks again for visiting the site.
Original Message
From: John & Lisa [noparse][[/noparse]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Pictures of my simple miniature robot - ALIBE
I'm impressed, not only with the size, but also what you have been able to do, it also looks to me to be an original design. Your web page was a bit disappointing, how about including schematics and programming details for all those unoriginal roboters like me.
I'm still constructing my version of the BoEBot, which I made the chassis by cutting out the schematic drawings from parallax web site, sticking it to a sheet of plastic then cutting round it, and bending it using a mini blow torch. I'm still trying to get the infra red sensors to work. Once I've got that working, I've got a Polaroid sensor module to connect up and programme.
Anyway mate keep up the good work, your ALIBE was an inspiration for me to get a move on, and get mine up and running. Once I've done that I plan to build a much bigger one, have you got any future plans for another robot, if so keep us posted.
Original Message
From: Babu, Nagi -*Contractor
To: ''
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 4:04 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Pictures of my simple miniature robot - ALIBE
After days of work (with my limited skills in electronics and strong programming skills), I was able to finally get my miniature autonomous robot done. I'm calling him - ALIBE - acronym for Artificial LIfe BEing.
ALIBE was built as a social being to fit in a virtual robot farm called - ALIBEN - acronym for Artificial LIfe BEing Niche - where more than one ALIBE will survive and hopefully exhibit social behavior. I have not not completed my other ALIBEs as yet. But, will very soon.
From a technical stand-point ALIBE was built to demonstrate object oriented component building. In the sense, easily reusing the components. ALIBE has different components stacked one above the other.
There are totally 3 layers or modules. The first and foremost is the Microcontroller Module (MM) that comprises of the BS2 and other components that work with BS2 to form the MM. This layer is easily unpluggable and reusable in any other project one wants to. So are the other 2 layers - Sensor Module (SM) and the Driver Module (DM).
The following are the goals for building ALIBE:
1. Miniaturization - to occupy less space in the robot farm ALIBEN
2. Encapsulation - to modularize the components for reusability
3. Extensible - to provide opportunities for expansion of components (adding new sensors, etc)
4. Easy maintenance and debugging.
The following are the tasks given to an ALIBE:
1. Seek light in a given space
2. Seek warmest location in a given space
3. Avoid obstacles while seeking light and warmth
4. Go into a sleep mode when silence is detected in the space
5. wander about.
Tasks 1 and 2 take precedence. Tasks 3 and 4 provide for tasks 1 and 2. Task 4 saves battery time.
The following parts are used in each of the modules:
Microcontroller Module (MM):
1. Basic Stamp II - mounted on a low-profile socket
2. 5V voltage regulator - LM2940
3. Switch to power on/off
4. Reset Button to reset stamp and program
5. Regular phone plug for Serial port with auto detection enabled for PC to recognize the port via modified serial port cable.
6. I/O pins exposure sockets for simple to use plug-in interface from the sensor and other modules.
7. Dedicated Piezo Buzzer on Pin 0
8. LED and 470 resistor for power indicator
9. Vdd / Vss hookups for SM and DM
10. Unregulated Vin for servos
Sensor Module (SM)
1. Left and Right IR Emitter and Sensors - to avoid obstacles
2. Left and Right Photocells - to sense light
3. Digital Thermometer - to sense temperature to seek warmth
4. PCB mounted lowset lowprofile microphone from Radio Shack - to sense silence - to save battery
Driver Module (DM)
1. Two miniature CIRRUS CS-20BB servos - modified as continuous as per guidelines laid down in the Robotics manual from
2. Connectors to go up to the MM
3. 9V battery seater.
4. Rear wheel for balancer
All of these modules are mounted as layers one above the other using stand-offs from Radio Shack. The layers are made using 1.5 inches general purpose Radio Shack PCBs. Wheels are purchased and modified from a hobby store.
Pictures can be found at my site
Future plans:
1.····· PCB it
2.····· Add Beacon for IR serial communication with the other ALIBEs
3.····· Build at least 3 more ALIBEs for the farm.
Please give me any ideas, suggesstions, thoughts, criticizms, anything goes [noparse]:)[/noparse]
nagi babu
I'm impressed, not only with the size, but also what you have been able to do, it also looks to me to be an original design. Your web page was a bit disappointing, how about including schematics and programming details for all those unoriginal roboters like me.
I'm still constructing my version of the BoEBot, which I made the chassis by cutting out the schematic drawings from parallax web site, sticking it to a sheet of plastic then cutting round it, and bending it using a mini blow torch. I'm still trying to get the infra red sensors to work. Once I've got that working, I've got a Polaroid sensor module to connect up and programme.
Anyway mate keep up the good work, your ALIBE was an inspiration for me to get a move on, and get mine up and running. Once I've done that I plan to build a much bigger one, have you got any future plans for another robot, if so keep us posted.
Original Message
From: Babu, Nagi -*Contractor
To: ''
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 4:04 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Pictures of my simple miniature robot - ALIBE
After days of work (with my limited skills in electronics and strong programming skills), I was able to finally get my miniature autonomous robot done. I'm calling him - ALIBE - acronym for Artificial LIfe BEing.
ALIBE was built as a social being to fit in a virtual robot farm called - ALIBEN - acronym for Artificial LIfe BEing Niche - where more than one ALIBE will survive and hopefully exhibit social behavior. I have not not completed my other ALIBEs as yet. But, will very soon.
From a technical stand-point ALIBE was built to demonstrate object oriented component building. In the sense, easily reusing the components. ALIBE has different components stacked one above the other.
There are totally 3 layers or modules. The first and foremost is the Microcontroller Module (MM) that comprises of the BS2 and other components that work with BS2 to form the MM. This layer is easily unpluggable and reusable in any other project one wants to. So are the other 2 layers - Sensor Module (SM) and the Driver Module (DM).
The following are the goals for building ALIBE:
1. Miniaturization - to occupy less space in the robot farm ALIBEN
2. Encapsulation - to modularize the components for reusability
3. Extensible - to provide opportunities for expansion of components (adding new sensors, etc)
4. Easy maintenance and debugging.
The following are the tasks given to an ALIBE:
1. Seek light in a given space
2. Seek warmest location in a given space
3. Avoid obstacles while seeking light and warmth
4. Go into a sleep mode when silence is detected in the space
5. wander about.
Tasks 1 and 2 take precedence. Tasks 3 and 4 provide for tasks 1 and 2. Task 4 saves battery time.
The following parts are used in each of the modules:
Microcontroller Module (MM):
1. Basic Stamp II - mounted on a low-profile socket
2. 5V voltage regulator - LM2940
3. Switch to power on/off
4. Reset Button to reset stamp and program
5. Regular phone plug for Serial port with auto detection enabled for PC to recognize the port via modified serial port cable.
6. I/O pins exposure sockets for simple to use plug-in interface from the sensor and other modules.
7. Dedicated Piezo Buzzer on Pin 0
8. LED and 470 resistor for power indicator
9. Vdd / Vss hookups for SM and DM
10. Unregulated Vin for servos
Sensor Module (SM)
1. Left and Right IR Emitter and Sensors - to avoid obstacles
2. Left and Right Photocells - to sense light
3. Digital Thermometer - to sense temperature to seek warmth
4. PCB mounted lowset lowprofile microphone from Radio Shack - to sense silence - to save battery
Driver Module (DM)
1. Two miniature CIRRUS CS-20BB servos - modified as continuous as per guidelines laid down in the Robotics manual from
2. Connectors to go up to the MM
3. 9V battery seater.
4. Rear wheel for balancer
All of these modules are mounted as layers one above the other using stand-offs from Radio Shack. The layers are made using 1.5 inches general purpose Radio Shack PCBs. Wheels are purchased and modified from a hobby store.
Pictures can be found at my site
Future plans:
1.····· PCB it
2.····· Add Beacon for IR serial communication with the other ALIBEs
3.····· Build at least 3 more ALIBEs for the farm.
Please give me any ideas, suggesstions, thoughts, criticizms, anything goes [noparse]:)[/noparse]
nagi babu