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Gosub problems

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-09-21 19:47 in General Discussion
I ran this on my stamp + a few debug statments. It runs fine. Check to make
sure that when you are driving the outputs hight that you are not
overloading the chip. If the BS2 is overloaded it can brownout and restart.
Try unhooking your loads from the stamp and run it again. That would be a
good place to start.

Original Message
From: "David Peterson" <robodave1@h...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 3:38 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Gosub problems

> Has anyone had a problem with the gosub statement? My case involves the
> gosub going to the appropriate function, but the return in that function
> kicks the execution back to the start, rather than where the function was
> called. The stamp 2 manual talks about another problem with gosubs that
> require the stop statement to prevent code fall through, but that's not my
> problem. A typical code example is below. Instead of returning to the the
> calling point in the intro, I would hear the speaker again, over and over
> it goes through the wrong loop. Any ideas?
> '====Constants (pin assignments)
> LED con 1
> SPKR con 0
> lmotp con 4
> lmotn con 5
> rmotp con 6
> rmotn con 7
> '====Variables
> note var word
> ct var byte
> LLD var in10
> RLD var in11
> LIR var in12
> RIR var in13
> LBP var in14
> RBP var in15
> freqout SPKR,200,2093
> freqout SPKR,200,2637
> freqout SPKR,200,3136
> freqout SPKR,300,4186
> freqout SPKR,150,3136
> freqout SPKR,500,4186
> pause 1000
> intro:
> gosub forward
> gosub sense
> goto intro
> sense:
> if LIR=1 or RIR=1 then backward
> if LBP=0 or RBP=0 then backward
> if LLD=1 or RLD=1 then backward
> return
> backward:
> high LED
> high lmotp
> low lmotn
> high rmotp
> low rmotn
> pause 1500
> low LED
> return
> forward:
> high LED
> low lmotp
> high lmotn
> low rmotp
> high rmotn
> pause 1500
> low LED
> return
> low lmotp
> low lmotn
> low rmotp
> low rmotn


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-09-21 08:38
    Has anyone had a problem with the gosub statement? My case involves the
    gosub going to the appropriate function, but the return in that function
    kicks the execution back to the start, rather than where the function was
    called. The stamp 2 manual talks about another problem with gosubs that
    require the stop statement to prevent code fall through, but that's not my
    problem. A typical code example is below. Instead of returning to the the
    calling point in the intro, I would hear the speaker again, over and over as
    it goes through the wrong loop. Any ideas?

    '====Constants (pin assignments)
    LED con 1
    SPKR con 0
    lmotp con 4
    lmotn con 5
    rmotp con 6
    rmotn con 7
    note var word
    ct var byte
    LLD var in10
    RLD var in11
    LIR var in12
    RIR var in13
    LBP var in14
    RBP var in15

    freqout SPKR,200,2093
    freqout SPKR,200,2637
    freqout SPKR,200,3136
    freqout SPKR,300,4186
    freqout SPKR,150,3136
    freqout SPKR,500,4186
    pause 1000

    gosub forward
    gosub sense
    goto intro

    if LIR=1 or RIR=1 then backward
    if LBP=0 or RBP=0 then backward
    if LLD=1 or RLD=1 then backward

    high LED
    high lmotp
    low lmotn
    high rmotp
    low rmotn
    pause 1500
    low LED

    high LED
    low lmotp
    high lmotn
    low rmotp
    high rmotn
    pause 1500
    low LED

    low lmotp
    low lmotn
    low rmotp
    low rmotn
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-09-21 08:58
    At 02:38 AM 9/21/2000 -0500, you wrote:
    >Has anyone had a problem with the gosub statement? My case involves the
    >gosub going to the appropriate function, but the return in that function
    >kicks the execution back to the start, rather than where the function was
    >called. The stamp 2 manual talks about another problem with gosubs that
    >require the stop statement to prevent code fall through, but that's not my
    >problem. A typical code example is below. Instead of returning to the the
    >calling point in the intro, I would hear the speaker again, over and over as
    >it goes through the wrong loop. Any ideas?

    Try adding an END statement at the end of the program.
    Probably not the cause, but it can't hurt.

    >'====Constants (pin assignments)
    >LED con 1
    >SPKR con 0
    >lmotp con 4
    >lmotn con 5
    >rmotp con 6
    >rmotn con 7
    >note var word
    >ct var byte
    >LLD var in10
    >RLD var in11
    >LIR var in12
    >RIR var in13
    >LBP var in14
    >RBP var in15
    >freqout SPKR,200,2093
    >freqout SPKR,200,2637
    >freqout SPKR,200,3136
    >freqout SPKR,300,4186
    >freqout SPKR,150,3136
    >freqout SPKR,500,4186
    >pause 1000
    >gosub forward
    >gosub sense
    >goto intro
    > if LIR=1 or RIR=1 then backward
    > if LBP=0 or RBP=0 then backward
    > if LLD=1 or RLD=1 then backward
    > return
    > high LED
    > high lmotp
    > low lmotn
    > high rmotp
    > low rmotn
    > pause 1500
    > low LED
    > return
    > forward:
    > high LED
    > low lmotp
    > high lmotn
    > low rmotp
    > high rmotn
    > pause 1500
    > low LED
    > return
    >low lmotp
    >low lmotn
    >low rmotp
    >low rmotn
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-09-21 17:30
    > if LIR=1 or RIR=1 then backward
    > return

    The backward in the first routine is not a subroutine call, it is a simple
    goto. The BS2 won't know what to do with the return in the backward

    -- Tracy
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-09-21 18:17
    One thing that should have been added is that I've coded a work around using
    goto statements, with the same devices hooked up. That program works as

    Original Message
    From: "David Peterson" <robodave1@h...>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 2:38 AM
    Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Gosub problems

    > Has anyone had a problem with the gosub statement? My case involves the
    > gosub going to the appropriate function, but the return in that function
    > kicks the execution back to the start, rather than where the function was
    > called. The stamp 2 manual talks about another problem with gosubs that
    > require the stop statement to prevent code fall through, but that's not my
    > problem. A typical code example is below. Instead of returning to the the
    > calling point in the intro, I would hear the speaker again, over and over
    > it goes through the wrong loop. Any ideas?
    > '====Constants (pin assignments)
    > LED con 1
    > SPKR con 0
    > lmotp con 4
    > lmotn con 5
    > rmotp con 6
    > rmotn con 7
    > '====Variables
    > note var word
    > ct var byte
    > LLD var in10
    > RLD var in11
    > LIR var in12
    > RIR var in13
    > LBP var in14
    > RBP var in15
    > freqout SPKR,200,2093
    > freqout SPKR,200,2637
    > freqout SPKR,200,3136
    > freqout SPKR,300,4186
    > freqout SPKR,150,3136
    > freqout SPKR,500,4186
    > pause 1000
    > intro:
    > gosub forward
    > gosub sense
    > goto intro
    > sense:
    > if LIR=1 or RIR=1 then backward
    > if LBP=0 or RBP=0 then backward
    > if LLD=1 or RLD=1 then backward
    > return
    > backward:
    > high LED
    > high lmotp
    > low lmotn
    > high rmotp
    > low rmotn
    > pause 1500
    > low LED
    > return
    > forward:
    > high LED
    > low lmotp
    > high lmotn
    > low rmotp
    > high rmotn
    > pause 1500
    > low LED
    > return
    > low lmotp
    > low lmotn
    > low rmotp
    > low rmotn
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-09-21 19:47
    >> if LIR=1 or RIR=1 then backward
    >> return
    >The backward in the first routine is not a subroutine call, it is a simple
    >goto. The BS2 won't know what to do with the return in the backward

    Oops, I took your code out of context. Your gosub followed by the branch
    to another subroutine should work fine:

    debug "top",7
    gosub sense
    goto intro

    debug "here"
    if in12=1 then back

    debug "back"

    Did you post your entire program? GOSUBs nested more than 4 deep will take
    execution back to the top. STAMP2W.EXE gives no warning. For example the
    following program will crash back to the top:

    debug "top",7
    gosub sense ' 1st gosub
    goto intro

    debug "here"
    if in12=1 then back

    gosub back1 ' 2nd gosub

    gosub back2 ' 3rd gosub

    gosub back3 ' 4th gosub

    gosub back4 ' 5th & fatal gosub --> top

    debug "back"

    -- Tracy Allen
    Electronically Monitored Ecosystems
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