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micro wave

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-08-16 14:02 in General Discussion
I have to agree with Paul !!!

To use a modified micro wave oven for a RF. link is definitely
Quite possibly the modifier !!!!
I will be the first to tell you that I know ZIP about micro waves
But you can bet your life the DC. Supply can take you out .

If you want to experiment in the gigahertz range .
Try asking some amateur radio operators [noparse][[/noparse] Ham's ]

Also if I remember correctly some kits were available for
low power transmitters in the speed radar frequencies
that would " trip " police radar detectors [noparse][[/noparse] fuzz busters ]
that may be all you need

Good luck



  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-08-16 10:15

    Specially at the powers that a conventional kitchen microwave can deliver,
    sometimes in excess of 800 Watts.
    When you consider that it can heat up a whole chicken in some 2 minutes,
    imagine what it could do to your body.
    Exercise extreme caution. Even low power (100mW) waveguides used in amateur
    fast-scan television can cause injury when aimed at certain body parts at
    close ranges.

    Again, exercise extreme caution, not just from the power supply, but from
    the magnetron and waveguide themselves.

    On the other hand, it would be interesting to know if your average microwave
    oven can have it's RF modulated.

    Best regards,


    Mensaje original
    De: Daniel T Smith [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]raven-ah@h...[/url
    Enviado el: mi
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-08-16 14:02
    a microwave ??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    trust me microwaves ovens will kill you if you don't have the right
    there about 400-700watts and the tiniest leak will blow you're stamp sky
    despight the fact its illegal to transmit in the open air with that
    amount of power
    to put into perspective:

    a small radar has an output of about 800 watts
    a standard data link is at top 20 watts and that will go for about 100
    miles (ish)

    if you still want to do microwave this book is good:
    uhf and uwave experimenters manual
    isbn no: 0-87259-312-6

    it has been done i've seen one it was a repeater BUT this bloke was a
    nutter and very
    experienced and has with an inherent death wish


    Daniel T Smith wrote:

    > I have to agree with Paul !!!
    > To use a modified micro wave oven for a RF. link is definitely
    > OVERKILL !!!!
    > Quite possibly the modifier !!!!
    > I will be the first to tell you that I know ZIP about micro waves
    > But you can bet your life the DC. Supply can take you out .
    > If you want to experiment in the gigahertz range .
    > Try asking some amateur radio operators [noparse][[/noparse] Ham's ]
    > Also if I remember correctly some kits were available for
    > low power transmitters in the speed radar frequencies
    > that would " trip " police radar detectors [noparse][[/noparse] fuzz busters ]
    > that may be all you need
    > Good luck
    > Raven
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