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numbers more than 65535 — Parallax Forums

numbers more than 65535

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-07-31 03:41 in General Discussion
You can take advantage of this fact:

if x>x0 then no_over

The trick is that $FFFE+1 = $FFFF and $FFFF>$FFFE. However, $FFFF+1 = 0 and
0 is not > $FFFF. So therefore there was an overflow.

So now y:x is your total 32-bit count (assuming x and y and x0 are 16-bits).

You can find more details about this and other tricks in my book
Microcontroller Projects with Basic Stamps
( Also Tracy Allen's site has lots of
math tricks ( I think). I'd be remiss if I didn't point
out that the PAK-I and PAK-II let you do full floating point math easily,


Al Williams
* PAK Sale -- almost over!

Original Message
> From: Mohamed REFKY [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]refky@h...[/url
> Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 1:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] numbers more than 65535
> Hell,
> How can I count up to a number that is more than 65535.I may need
> to count
> up to 99999 or more.
> Thank You
> Mohamed Refky
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-27 18:20
    Here are a couple of methods:

    ' make a low word and a high word
    ' and add one to the high word every time
    ' this can count up to 2^32
    xlow var word
    xhigh var word
    xlow=65525 ' demo starting value
    xhigh= xhigh + (xlow max 1) -1
    debug hex4 xhigh,hex4 xlow,cr
    goto incrementcount

    'it might be more convenient to roll over at 9999
    'if you need an easy decimal result
    ' count up to 99999999
    xlow var word
    xhigh var word
    xlow=9990 ' demo starting value
    xlow=xlow+1 //10000 ' roll over at 9999
    xhigh= xhigh + (xlow max 1) -1
    debug dec4 xhigh,dec4 xlow,cr
    goto incrementcount

    Tracy Allen
    Electronically Monitored Ecosystems 2 <-- how to convert
    double prec binary to decimal
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-27 20:29
    Once a number exists in 2 words - either $FFFFFFFF or decimal 99999999,
    how can it then be divided by a value that will NEVER be more than 1 word
    in size? I realize that floating point routines or the PAK-1/2 will do
    the job but just wondered if someone has worked out a method that gives
    results in integer arithmetic - whole number and remainder. This would be
    useful in devices that collect data and compute averages.

    Larry Nielsen

    Tracy Allen wrote:

    > Here are a couple of methods:
    > ' make a low word and a high word
    > ' and add one to the high word every time
    > ' this can count up to 2^32
    > xlow var word
    > xhigh var word
    > xlow=65525 ' demo starting value
    > incrementcount:
    > xlow=xlow+1
    > xhigh= xhigh + (xlow max 1) -1
    > debug hex4 xhigh,hex4 xlow,cr
    > goto incrementcount
    > 'it might be more convenient to roll over at 9999
    > 'if you need an easy decimal result
    > ' count up to 99999999
    > xlow var word
    > xhigh var word
    > xlow=9990 ' demo starting value
    > incrementcount:
    > xlow=xlow+1 //10000 ' roll over at 9999
    > xhigh= xhigh + (xlow max 1) -1
    > debug dec4 xhigh,dec4 xlow,cr
    > goto incrementcount
    > regards,
    > Tracy Allen
    > Electronically Monitored Ecosystems
    > 2 <-- how to convert
    > double prec binary to decimal
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-27 20:39
    What is 'file//10000' ?

    Ray McArthur

    > incrementcount:
    > xlow=xlow+1 [url=][/url] ' roll over at 9999
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-27 21:32
    Larry Nielsen <lnielsen@g...> wrote:
    > Once a number exists in 2 words - either $FFFFFFFF
    > or decimal 99999999,how can it then be divided
    > by a value that will NEVER be more than 1 word
    > in size? I realize that floating point routines
    > or the PAK-1/2 will do the job but just wondered
    > if someone has worked out a method that gives
    > results in integer arithmetic - whole number and
    > remainder. This would be useful in devices that
    > collect data and compute averages.

    Tracy Allen
    Electronically Monitored Ecosystems
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-27 21:32
    >What is 'file//10000' ?
    >Ray McArthur
    >> incrementcount:
    >> xlow=xlow+1 [url=][/url] ' roll over at 9999

    The word "file:" should not be in there. It wasn't in the original I sent
    or in the echo I got back from egroups. My guess is that your email or
    html interpreter stuck it in there for you when it saw the "//". The //
    operator returns the remainder of (xlow+1) after division by 10000. So it
    counts up to 9999 and then rolls over to zero.

    I see I got a formula for the high word backwards in my previous post: it
    should read

    xhigh= xhigh + 1 - (xlow max 1) ' correct, increment

    'NOT xhigh= xhigh + (xlow max 1) -1 <--- this is decrement

    -- Tracy Allen
    Electronically Monitored Ecosystems
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-28 00:53
    How can I count up to a number that is more than 65535.I may need to count
    up to 99999 or more.

    Thank You
    Mohamed Refky

    Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-29 23:32

    Mohamed REFKY wrote:
    > How to display that decimal number exists in 2 words using MAX7219,since it
    > may needs faster subroutine than that of the AppKit? .Also how to do
    > computations with such a number or I have to use PAk1 ?
    > >'it might be more convenient to roll over at 9999
    > >'if you need an easy decimal result
    > >' count up to 99999999
    > >xlow var word
    > >xhigh var word
    > >xlow=9990 ' demo starting value
    > >incrementcount:
    > > xlow=xlow+1 //10000 ' roll over at 9999
    > > xhigh= xhigh + 1-(xlow max 1) debug dec4 xhigh,dec4 xlow,cr
    > >goto incrementcount
    > >
    > > regards,
    > > Tracy Allen
    > > Electronically Monitored Ecosystems
    > > 2 <-- how to convert
    > >double prec binary to decimal
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > ________________________________________________________________________
    > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-29 23:47
    How to display that decimal number exists in 2 words using MAX7219,since it
    may needs faster subroutine than that of the AppKit? .Also how to do
    computations with such a number or I have to use PAk1 ?

    >'it might be more convenient to roll over at 9999
    >'if you need an easy decimal result
    >' count up to 99999999
    >xlow var word
    >xhigh var word
    >xlow=9990 ' demo starting value
    > xlow=xlow+1 //10000 ' roll over at 9999
    > xhigh= xhigh + 1-(xlow max 1) debug dec4 xhigh,dec4 xlow,cr
    >goto incrementcount
    > regards,
    > Tracy Allen
    > Electronically Monitored Ecosystems
    > 2 <-- how to convert
    >double prec binary to decimal

    Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-31 03:41
    "Mohamed REFKY" <refky@h...> asked:
    > How to display that decimal number exists in 2 words using MAX7219,
    > since it may needs faster subroutine than that of the AppKit? .Also
    > how to do computations with such a number or I have to use PAk1?

    Leaving aside the issue of computations for the moment...
    and counting lots and lots of artichokes:

    ' BS2
    ' count up to 99999999
    ' roll over from low word to high word at 9999
    xlow var word
    xhigh var word
    xlow=9990 ' demo starting value
    xlow=xlow+1 //10000 ' roll over at 9999
    xhigh= xhigh +1-(xlow max 1)
    ' debug dec4 xhigh,dec4 xlow,cr
    offset=4 ' to display higer 4 digits
    dispVal = xhigh '<--send to the MAX7219
    gosub MaxDisplay4
    offset=0 ' to display lower 4 digits
    dispVal = xlow
    gosub MaxDisplay4
    goto incrementcount

    You could potentially fill up the 8 digits of the MAX7219, count up to
    99999999 artichokes--wow! The routine above now calls a Maxdisplay4
    routine to put the data on the MAX7219, instead of on the debug screen.
    Below is a modified version of the Maxdisplay routine that appears in the
    Parallax app note. You said you need it to run faster. I honed is so it
    only uses SHIFTOUT once to send both the register address and the data as
    one 16 bit quantity, instead of separate SHIFTOUTs. I also took out the
    the leading zero blanking, which takes up a lot of time in that routine.
    But it is still going to be "slow" to display 8 digits. It could be
    tightened up a lot, so that it only updates digits when they change.

    ' all other variables & initialization
    ' as in Parallax app note for MAX7219
    maxCode var word ' define a new word
    regAdr var maxCode.byte1 ' alias for register address
    Bcode var maxCode.byte0 ' alias for B-code
    offset var nib ' offset on display
    MaxDisplay4: ' to display 4 digits on Max7219
    for index = 4 to 1 ' Work from digit 8 down to digit 1.
    regAdr = index+offset
    Bcode = dispVal dig (index-1) ' Get decimal digit (0-4) of dispVal.
    shiftout DATA_n,CLK,msbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]maxCode\16] ' Send address & digit.
    pulsout Load,5 ' And load the display.
    next ' Repeat for all 4 digits.
    return ' Done? Return.

    Returning to the issue of "calulations" you brought up. What sort of
    calculations do you mean? Most calculations are easier if you keep the
    numbers in binary format. I do have a routine on my web page that kicks
    out decimal digits of a double precision (32 bit binary) number. I don't
    know how it would compare in speed to a PAK-I.

    Tracy Allen
    Electronically Monitored Ecosystems 2 <-- how to convert
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