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Vector Compass

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-08-05 05:46 in General Discussion
Miguel Purchol wrote:
>Do you have a link to the manufacturer of the compass? I could download
>spec sheets and take a look.


Here is the URL for Precision Navigation, the maker of the Vector 2X compass

Anything you can come up with would be appreciated.



Victor Fraenckel - The Windman vfraenc1@n...
Home of the WindReader Electronic Theodolite
Read the WIND


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-27 10:13
    Tony Brenke wrote:
    >if you got the bs2 to read fine then is it posable to
    >use a bs2 to read it then transfure the data to the

    Of course it is possible but since the results of my experiments with the
    V2X will be going into a commercial product, cost is a big issue so going
    this route is not viable. It supprises me that the BX24 is not fast enough
    to handle the job that the Stamp can.

    I will post my V2X read code today and see if anyone can come up with a
    faster way to read the data out of the V2X.


    Victor Fraenckel - The Windman vfraenc1@n...
    Home of the WindReader Electronic Theodolite
    Read the WIND
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-27 16:17
    Here is the BS2 code for the Vector 2X which will give you access to most of
    the basic features of the V2X including, heading, raw readings, and

    Original Message
    From: Victorf [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]vfraenc1@n...[/url
    Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 2:13 AM
    To: Stamp Mailing List; trbrenke@y...
    Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Vector Compass

    Tony Brenke wrote:
    >if you got the bs2 to read fine then is it posable to
    >use a bs2 to read it then transfure the data to the

    Of course it is possible but since the results of my experiments with the
    V2X will be going into a commercial product, cost is a big issue so going
    this route is not viable. It supprises me that the BX24 is not fast enough
    to handle the job that the Stamp can.

    I will post my V2X read code today and see if anyone can come up with a
    faster way to read the data out of the V2X.


    Victor Fraenckel - The Windman vfraenc1@n...
    Home of the WindReader Electronic Theodolite
    Read the WIND
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-27 22:56

    The Vector 2X, as I have read on the web page you point to, can output
    heading data 2.5 to 5 times per second, in binary or BCD format. BCD is a
    4-bit coding system for numeric output, i.e. every byte you receive contains
    two numbers.
    I cannot see how the BX24 would be slow to handle this, considering it's
    supposed to be faster than the BSII.
    In the documents it says that the heading is output in degrees, BCD format.
    If we were to have a 0.1 degree resolution, then we would need four BCD
    digits, i.e. four bytes.
    Check your code, maybe something there.

    Will keep looking at this, all the best,


    Mensaje original
    > De: Victorf [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]vfraenc1@n...[/url
    > Enviado el: jueves, 27 de julio de 2000 11:05
    > Para: mpuchol@w...; Stamp Mailing List
    > Asunto: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Vector Compass
    > Miguel Purchol wrote:
    > >Do you have a link to the manufacturer of the compass? I could download
    > some
    > >spec sheets and take a look.
    > Miguel,
    > Here is the URL for Precision Navigation, the maker of the Vector
    > 2X compass
    > module:
    > Anything you can come up with would be appreciated.
    > Thanks
    > Vic
    > _____________________________________________________
    > Victor Fraenckel - The Windman vfraenc1@n...
    > Home of the WindReader Electronic Theodolite
    > Read the WIND
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-08-04 17:24
    At 11:56 PM 7/27/00, you wrote:
    >The Vector 2X, as I have read on the web page you point to, can output
    >heading data 2.5 to 5 times per second, in binary or BCD format. BCD is a
    >4-bit coding system for numeric output, i.e. every byte you receive contains
    >two numbers.
    >I cannot see how the BX24 would be slow to handle this, considering it's
    >supposed to be faster than the BSII.

    The serial input routine may be the bottleneck.

    >In the documents it says that the heading is output in degrees, BCD format.
    >If we were to have a 0.1 degree resolution, then we would need four BCD
    >digits, i.e. four bytes.
    >Check your code, maybe something there.
    >Will keep looking at this, all the best,
    > >
    Mensaje original
    > > De: Victorf [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]vfraenc1@n...[/url
    > > Enviado el: jueves, 27 de julio de 2000 11:05
    > > Para: mpuchol@w...; Stamp Mailing List
    > > Asunto: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Vector Compass
    > >
    > >
    > > Miguel Purchol wrote:
    > > >Do you have a link to the manufacturer of the compass? I could download
    > > some
    > > >spec sheets and take a look.
    > >
    > > Miguel,
    > >
    > > Here is the URL for Precision Navigation, the maker of the Vector
    > > 2X compass
    > > module:
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > Anything you can come up with would be appreciated.
    > >
    > > Thanks
    > >
    > > Vic
    > > _____________________________________________________
    > >
    > > Victor Fraenckel - The Windman vfraenc1@n...
    > >
    > >
    > > Home of the WindReader Electronic Theodolite
    > > Read the WIND
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-08-05 01:26
    > The serial input routine may be the bottleneck.

    Even 10 times per second at 9600 baud should be able to deliver a message
    string 96 characters long ... I'm sure the Vector 2X using BCD format is not
    sending 96 characters per message.

    Now, what you do with the message might be holding thing up ...

    -- Mitch
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-08-05 05:46
    At 07:26 PM 8/4/00, you wrote:
    > > The serial input routine may be the bottleneck.
    >Even 10 times per second at 9600 baud should be able to deliver a message
    >string 96 characters long ... I'm sure the Vector 2X using BCD format is not
    >sending 96 characters per message.

    I beg to differ with that line of thinking. Based on my interpretation of
    the reading of the Serial protocal specs for the BX-24, and which specific
    ports are being used, and how they are defined, it would appear to me that
    a HARD LOCKOUT condition can occur WITHIN the software (or firmware) Serial
    I/O routines, IF multi-taking is occurring. Semaphores appear to be

    The following makes reference to the original post which spoke of the BX-24:

    Thus, it is superfluous and misleading to merely inspect the SPEED, since
    NOTHING will be transmitted during a HARD LOCKOUT, and IF the HARD LOCKOUT
    occurs long enough, characters may well be missed, distorted, or lost. Said
    differently, a BX-24 software caused UNDER-run (aka halt) will STOP serial
    transmission DEAD in its tracks. After that - who knows what might happen
    down the line with the serial data feed STOPPED. Depending on WHERE it
    stops and WHEN it stops, the results may be devastating, unless retry, ECC
    or other forms of verification or recovery are employed; ALL of which
    impact on the overall throughput. YMMV, of course.

    >Now, what you do with the message might be holding thing up ...

    THAT only makes matters WORSE; they were BAD to begin with, IF the stream
    was halted (PARTICULARLY with incorrect Vector interfacing).

    Just as a matter of note the Vector CAN be very interface timing dependent,
    and likewise quite unforgiving to all but true Motorola interfaces.
    Although I have seen MANY sofware interfaces, using various chips to
    interface with the Vector, I have yet to see one software
    routine (methodology) in any language which works 100% of the time, WITH
    error detection and correction, providing full accuracy, at FULL speed,
    which provides ALL of the possible Vector functions, and operates
    independently using a non-Motorola microprocessor chip. ALL routines I have
    seen (to date) contain some sort of concession, work-around or bypass to
    the Vector (Motorola) interface, due to it's seeming (undocumented)
    requirement for (near) 100% Motorola SPI compatability. Ordinary SPI
    compatabilty seems to be unacceptable under certain operating conditions,
    or using certain Vector programming modes. This, in over 4 years of looking
    at Vector interfacing routines, and much testing on my own part <shrug>.

    Personally, I view this MORE as a Motorola SPI dependence issue, and less
    as a Vector compatabilty issue, since many fine operational software
    routines have been written over the years. It's just not an area to be
    treated lightly, or by the faint of heart. Just my own experience - yours
    may certainly be different.

    This very issue (HARD STOPPED serial data) has steered me away from the
    BX-24, and on to other processors. For purposes and uses other than those
    requiring dual-port high-spped (9600+) serial data, the BX-24 is probably a
    fine product for limited multi-tasking of the sort that it does. I've never
    had the need to implement such a system, and judge it's merits by the
    examples, and the comments of others.

    This is neither intended as a bash, nor a flame - just one person's hard
    learned experiences, and continuing efforts with micro-processor interfacing.


    Bruce Bates

    >-- Mitch
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