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Futaba VFD Q

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-07-26 00:54 in General Discussion
A while back there was traffic about how to interface the Futaba VFDs from
Info. Unlimited. I lost my copy of the example file...anyone want to email
it to me?



Dave Paton Motorola Advanced Technology Center
voice 847.538.7575 pager 888.773.6802


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-07-26 00:54
    'Resources Un-Ltd Futaba Display
    'Connect serout pin to pin 33
    'Pin 27 is Busy, but does not seem necessary
    'and using as flow control seemed to cause problems
    'J1 J2
    '. . . . 1200 baud(factory)
    '._. . . 2400
    '. . ._. 4800
    '._. ._. 9600
    'Uncomment 1 of following
    'Baud con 813 'T1200
    'Baud con 396 'T2400
    'Baud con 188 'T4800
    Baud con 84 'T9600
    'Serout pin is 15 here
    Out15 = 1 'Set serout to high
    Dir15 = 1 'and serout pin to output
    pause 50 'Let settle after power up
    serout 15,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]31] 'Reset
    serout 15,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]17] 'Normal mode(18 for scroll mode)
    'Line 1, position 0-19
    ' 1111111111
    ' 01234567890123456789
    'Line 2, position 20-39
    ' 22222222223333333333
    ' 01234567890123456789
    serout 15,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"This is line 1
    serout 15,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]16,20] 'Goto position 20
    serout 15,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"This is line 2

    ***** This is from a later email from Mike DeMetz:
    > Best, Duncan
    Yes I figured out the jumpers were backwards. Working fine at
    9600(J1&J2 shorted). Have not tried it on a BSI(at lower bauds) yet.
    When I had OUTx=1 after DIRx=1 I would get a glitch character in
    position 0 on Reset. Switching around seemed to fix that. Without
    the Pause 50 before sending the first data, I would get some
    garbage and text starting at the wrong place on power up

    Ray McArthur

    Original Message
    From: Paton Dave-A13593 <a13593@l...>
    To: 'stamp list' <>
    Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 7:38 PM
    Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Futaba VFD Q

    > A while back there was traffic about how to interface the Futaba VFDs from
    > Info. Unlimited. I lost my copy of the example file...anyone want to email
    > it to me?
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