multiple RC servos, & DC motor speed control
I am doing a uav project along the same lines
I first measure the pulse width for that particular channel - calculate and
scale position as as a number 0 to 255 - and then send to a serial servo
controller chip - I am using Scott Edward's ssc
I am only using 5 channels but there is room for 8
Original Message
From: "Nic Nicholson" <nicnicholson@p...>
To: "Basic Stamps" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 5:54 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] multiple RC servos, & DC motor speed control
> I know this subject must have come up many times, but I haven't been able
> find a satisfactory solution in any of the archives...
> I would like to be able to put the BS2 in between an RC receiver and the
> servos it controls, probably three of them, and also control a DC motor at
> the same time. It's the output part of this that's causing me problems.
> My intended solution is to make a circuit which takes 0-5V analog in (from
> the PWM of BS2) and will continue to put out a corresponding RC pulse
> the the BS2 next updates the analog voltage--sort of a "fire and forget"
> approach. A possible solution that occurred to me was to use a 20mS
> in conjunction with a votage controlled monostable, but I'm not familiar
> enough with what's out there to know which chips to use...I guess the hard
> part of this for me is the voltage-controlled monostable: 0 to 5V in, 1mS
> to 2 mS output. Anyone know how to implement this? I've not decided on
> multivibrators, I'd just like to be able to control a servo with the PWM
> analog output of the BS2.
> The second part of this is to control a DC motor using the same analog-out
> technique. I've been looking at the MC33030 chip. Has anyone tried using
> motor tach as the feedback on this chip? Does anyone know any reasons why
> this chip can't be controlled with a 0 to 5V input? (I would, of course,
> scale this up to 0 to Vcc with a transistor to the reference input)
> Also, I have a couple of LM18200T's on the shelf, so if anyone knows how
> go from BS2 analog-out to PWM. I'd love to know the name of a good chip
> here too.
> The main type of information I'm looking for here is suggestions of chips
> look at...anyone?
> Thanks,
> Nic
I first measure the pulse width for that particular channel - calculate and
scale position as as a number 0 to 255 - and then send to a serial servo
controller chip - I am using Scott Edward's ssc
I am only using 5 channels but there is room for 8
Original Message
From: "Nic Nicholson" <nicnicholson@p...>
To: "Basic Stamps" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 5:54 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] multiple RC servos, & DC motor speed control
> I know this subject must have come up many times, but I haven't been able
> find a satisfactory solution in any of the archives...
> I would like to be able to put the BS2 in between an RC receiver and the
> servos it controls, probably three of them, and also control a DC motor at
> the same time. It's the output part of this that's causing me problems.
> My intended solution is to make a circuit which takes 0-5V analog in (from
> the PWM of BS2) and will continue to put out a corresponding RC pulse
> the the BS2 next updates the analog voltage--sort of a "fire and forget"
> approach. A possible solution that occurred to me was to use a 20mS
> in conjunction with a votage controlled monostable, but I'm not familiar
> enough with what's out there to know which chips to use...I guess the hard
> part of this for me is the voltage-controlled monostable: 0 to 5V in, 1mS
> to 2 mS output. Anyone know how to implement this? I've not decided on
> multivibrators, I'd just like to be able to control a servo with the PWM
> analog output of the BS2.
> The second part of this is to control a DC motor using the same analog-out
> technique. I've been looking at the MC33030 chip. Has anyone tried using
> motor tach as the feedback on this chip? Does anyone know any reasons why
> this chip can't be controlled with a 0 to 5V input? (I would, of course,
> scale this up to 0 to Vcc with a transistor to the reference input)
> Also, I have a couple of LM18200T's on the shelf, so if anyone knows how
> go from BS2 analog-out to PWM. I'd love to know the name of a good chip
> here too.
> The main type of information I'm looking for here is suggestions of chips
> look at...anyone?
> Thanks,
> Nic
find a satisfactory solution in any of the archives...
I would like to be able to put the BS2 in between an RC receiver and the
servos it controls, probably three of them, and also control a DC motor at
the same time. It's the output part of this that's causing me problems.
My intended solution is to make a circuit which takes 0-5V analog in (from
the PWM of BS2) and will continue to put out a corresponding RC pulse until
the the BS2 next updates the analog voltage--sort of a "fire and forget"
approach. A possible solution that occurred to me was to use a 20mS astable
in conjunction with a votage controlled monostable, but I'm not familiar
enough with what's out there to know which chips to use...I guess the hard
part of this for me is the voltage-controlled monostable: 0 to 5V in, 1mS
to 2 mS output. Anyone know how to implement this? I've not decided on
multivibrators, I'd just like to be able to control a servo with the PWM
analog output of the BS2.
The second part of this is to control a DC motor using the same analog-out
technique. I've been looking at the MC33030 chip. Has anyone tried using a
motor tach as the feedback on this chip? Does anyone know any reasons why
this chip can't be controlled with a 0 to 5V input? (I would, of course,
scale this up to 0 to Vcc with a transistor to the reference input)
Also, I have a couple of LM18200T's on the shelf, so if anyone knows how to
go from BS2 analog-out to PWM. I'd love to know the name of a good chip
here too.
The main type of information I'm looking for here is suggestions of chips to
look at...anyone?
Check out my page at
This setup has worked well for me for a couple of years. There is a schematic
and a downloadable
program. You may be able to use it with minor modifications for your project.
Original Message
From: Nic Nicholson <nicnicholson@p...>
To: Basic Stamps <>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 6:54 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] multiple RC servos, & DC motor speed control
> I know this subject must have come up many times, but I haven't been able to
> find a satisfactory solution in any of the archives...
> I would like to be able to put the BS2 in between an RC receiver and the
> servos it controls, probably three of them, and also control a DC motor at
> the same time. It's the output part of this that's causing me problems.
> My intended solution is to make a circuit which takes 0-5V analog in (from
> the PWM of BS2) and will continue to put out a corresponding RC pulse until
> the the BS2 next updates the analog voltage--sort of a "fire and forget"
> approach. A possible solution that occurred to me was to use a 20mS astable
> in conjunction with a votage controlled monostable, but I'm not familiar
> enough with what's out there to know which chips to use...I guess the hard
> part of this for me is the voltage-controlled monostable: 0 to 5V in, 1mS
> to 2 mS output. Anyone know how to implement this? I've not decided on
> multivibrators, I'd just like to be able to control a servo with the PWM
> analog output of the BS2.
> The second part of this is to control a DC motor using the same analog-out
> technique. I've been looking at the MC33030 chip. Has anyone tried using a
> motor tach as the feedback on this chip? Does anyone know any reasons why
> this chip can't be controlled with a 0 to 5V input? (I would, of course,
> scale this up to 0 to Vcc with a transistor to the reference input)
> Also, I have a couple of LM18200T's on the shelf, so if anyone knows how to
> go from BS2 analog-out to PWM. I'd love to know the name of a good chip
> here too.
> The main type of information I'm looking for here is suggestions of chips to
> look at...anyone?
> Thanks,
> Nic
> the PWM of BS2) and will continue to put out a corresponding RC
> pulse until
You can use a PAK-VIII and bypass the PWM altogether. Just send the PAK the
"on" time and the "off" time and it will keep going. 8 channels in all.
Al Williams
*Microcontroller Projects with Basic Stamps at