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Interface PC Keyboard to BS2 — Parallax Forums

Interface PC Keyboard to BS2

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-07-19 02:17 in General Discussion
Hi everyone. In the July 2000 issue of Poptronics there is an
article about how to integrate an old PC keyboard into your
projects. It gives an example circuit that will read Keyboard scan
codes, and output serial ASCII data! This can be VERY useful in BS2
projects. My problem is that I don't know where to get the
68HC705J1A microcontroller used in the project and I don't know how
to physically program the chip. I think the average programmer for
such a chip runs about $200!!! If anybody can point me in the right
direction, that would be great! Or maybe if someone would not mind
programming a few chips for me and I pay you, that would be nice
too. The article and software for the chip can be found here:




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