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Pulsing light

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-06-23 01:34 in General Discussion
Let me start by saying, I am VERY new to electronics. My background is in
programming. Since learning of the basic stamps ability to combine a
program with circuitry, I've been trying to teach myself how to make the
circuits that the program I write will use. I know my questions will seem
elementary to almost all on this list, I apologize for that, but I need

I have a project that involves a light that needs to be moderately pulsing
anytime the power is on. The Basic stamp will need to be doing other things
as well. Is it my best option to build a circuit to pulse the light that
can be switched on/off by the stamp? Or can the stamp control the pulsing
as well as do other things? I think the first is the better option, but I
don't have a clue how to do the circuit. Any help would be greatly

The light is a Krypton flashlight bulb, I'm at work now so I don't have the
spec handy, I got it at Radio Shack and I believe it is 6V. The pulse I'm
looking for would go something like this:
Full---Half---Full---Half.... Hitting the Full brightness mark
about once or twice a second. I don't want it to just flash but sort of
"fade" up and down between Full and Half. I hope I've explained this well

Thanks in advance,



  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-06-23 01:34
    Let me know if you don't get a good answer. I'll help you out. I design
    hardware. You'll have to decide which way you want to go.

    Original Message
    From: Hendricks, Shawn <I.Work@M...>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 4:53 PM
    Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Pulsing light

    > Let me start by saying, I am VERY new to electronics. My background is in
    > programming. Since learning of the basic stamps ability to combine a
    > program with circuitry, I've been trying to teach myself how to make the
    > circuits that the program I write will use. I know my questions will seem
    > elementary to almost all on this list, I apologize for that, but I need
    > help!
    > I have a project that involves a light that needs to be moderately pulsing
    > anytime the power is on. The Basic stamp will need to be doing other
    > as well. Is it my best option to build a circuit to pulse the light that
    > can be switched on/off by the stamp? Or can the stamp control the pulsing
    > as well as do other things? I think the first is the better option, but I
    > don't have a clue how to do the circuit. Any help would be greatly
    > appreciated!!!!!!!!
    > The light is a Krypton flashlight bulb, I'm at work now so I don't have
    > spec handy, I got it at Radio Shack and I believe it is 6V. The pulse I'm
    > looking for would go something like this:
    > Off
    Full---Half---Full---Half.... Hitting the Full brightness mark
    > about once or twice a second. I don't want it to just flash but sort of
    > "fade" up and down between Full and Half. I hope I've explained this well
    > enough.
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Shawn
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