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Bicycle Speed- Event Timers — Parallax Forums

Bicycle Speed- Event Timers

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-06-22 03:03 in General Discussion
A few weeks ago I asked for help on timing the revolutions of a
bicycle wheel using a BS2. Someone suggested the timer chips offer by
Peter Anderson ( and I have since given
them a try and found that they worked very well. They are 8pin
PIC12C508's programmed to work as event or reaction timers. One type
has a 10usec resolution with a max time of 655msec and the other(the
one I used) has a 1msec resolution with a 65 sec max. The only
external circuitry is a ceramic resonator.
They work as follows. When pin 4 is momentarily taken low the timing
begins and when pin 5 is brought high the timing stops and the time
is send out on pin 6.

At first glance I thought they wouldn't work in my application
because I was measuring time for 4 revolutions of the wheel and using
the BS2 to count revolutions so I couldn't have the BS2 waiting with
a SERIN instruction as might normally be done. The solution proved
to be simple as had the BS2, after detecting the 4th revolution,
bring pin 5 of the timer high through a RC network(10K,0.1uF) which
gave a delay of less than 1 msec. This was less than the
resolution I needed but long enough for the BS2 to put the SERIN in
place to receive the output from the timer.

At $3.50 a chip they certainly a bargain. I bought his evaluation
kit ($16)which included both timers, 2 resonators, MAX232, a logic
probe(very handy) and misc parts. I like the fact that Prof. Anderson
presents his material in an experimental format which makes it more
of an educational experience rather than something you just plug in
and use.
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