My stamp dead or alive?
Hi Alex,
According to your previous message you were running a motor in the
application and the battery when dead or low.
The issue I see is, how much effort did you take to protect the stamp
from inductive spikes from the motor? what isolation did you provide
between the logic and the motor drive hardware? Did you use separate
power supplies, with adequate flywheel diodes in place? If this was
insufficient, you probably fried the stamp.
If you used the stamp to power anything other than the base of a
transistor you probably fried the stamp regulator. All the information
you need to get most things done is in the stamp manual and the Nuts
and Volts archieves along with some basic electronic books, have you
read this material, if not, start reading.
Alot of people have fun with stamps but some people will get in over
their head on design issues which will easily kill a stamp or any
other digital device. If this has happened to you then this simply
means that it is time to hit the books and learn, or you will probably
kill more stamps without understanding why.
We cannot see what you built or why, and thus we out here in the stamp
group will be hard pressed to give you the correct answer.
Original Message
From: "Alex Stewart" <robotman5@h...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:31 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] My stamp dead or alive?
> I sent out a message before with no responses , so here's the short
> of my problem , downloading a program to the stamp with the stamp
> results in a hardware communications failure, but alt I says the
stamp is
> there, so Is my stamp dead or alive? or is the stamp fine but the
> Interface cooked?
> Thanx
> -Alex
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
According to your previous message you were running a motor in the
application and the battery when dead or low.
The issue I see is, how much effort did you take to protect the stamp
from inductive spikes from the motor? what isolation did you provide
between the logic and the motor drive hardware? Did you use separate
power supplies, with adequate flywheel diodes in place? If this was
insufficient, you probably fried the stamp.
If you used the stamp to power anything other than the base of a
transistor you probably fried the stamp regulator. All the information
you need to get most things done is in the stamp manual and the Nuts
and Volts archieves along with some basic electronic books, have you
read this material, if not, start reading.
Alot of people have fun with stamps but some people will get in over
their head on design issues which will easily kill a stamp or any
other digital device. If this has happened to you then this simply
means that it is time to hit the books and learn, or you will probably
kill more stamps without understanding why.
We cannot see what you built or why, and thus we out here in the stamp
group will be hard pressed to give you the correct answer.
Original Message
From: "Alex Stewart" <robotman5@h...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:31 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] My stamp dead or alive?
> I sent out a message before with no responses , so here's the short
> of my problem , downloading a program to the stamp with the stamp
> results in a hardware communications failure, but alt I says the
stamp is
> there, so Is my stamp dead or alive? or is the stamp fine but the
> Interface cooked?
> Thanx
> -Alex
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
of my problem , downloading a program to the stamp with the stamp editor
results in a hardware communications failure, but alt I says the stamp is
there, so Is my stamp dead or alive? or is the stamp fine but the Rs232
Interface cooked?
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
If it helps the motors where servos of the same regultaor with flyback
diodes, but maybe the wasnt enough. Can a stamp be cooked to hell but still
be identifed by the software as being there?
Thanx again !
>From: "Ronald Anderson" <ronaldsa@e...>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] My stamp dead or alive?
>Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 17:05:44 -0000
>Hi Alex,
>According to your previous message you were running a motor in the
>application and the battery when dead or low.
>The issue I see is, how much effort did you take to protect the stamp
>from inductive spikes from the motor? what isolation did you provide
>between the logic and the motor drive hardware? Did you use separate
>power supplies, with adequate flywheel diodes in place? If this was
>insufficient, you probably fried the stamp.
>If you used the stamp to power anything other than the base of a
>transistor you probably fried the stamp regulator. All the information
>you need to get most things done is in the stamp manual and the Nuts
>and Volts archieves along with some basic electronic books, have you
>read this material, if not, start reading.
>Alot of people have fun with stamps but some people will get in over
>their head on design issues which will easily kill a stamp or any
>other digital device. If this has happened to you then this simply
>means that it is time to hit the books and learn, or you will probably
>kill more stamps without understanding why.
>We cannot see what you built or why, and thus we out here in the stamp
>group will be hard pressed to give you the correct answer.
Original Message
>From: "Alex Stewart" <robotman5@h...>
>To: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:31 PM
>Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] My stamp dead or alive?
> > I sent out a message before with no responses , so here's the short
> > of my problem , downloading a program to the stamp with the stamp
> > results in a hardware communications failure, but alt I says the
>stamp is
> > there, so Is my stamp dead or alive? or is the stamp fine but the
> > Interface cooked?
> > Thanx
> > -Alex
> >
> > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
it says it doesn't response it means the cable or power is bad. Are you SURE
that the battery is a good 9v one?
Original Message
From: Alex Stewart <robotman5@h...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] My stamp dead or alive?
> thanx,
> If it helps the motors where servos of the same regultaor with flyback
> diodes, but maybe the wasnt enough. Can a stamp be cooked to hell but
> be identifed by the software as being there?
> Thanx again !
> -Alex
> >From: "Ronald Anderson" <ronaldsa@e...>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: <>
> >Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] My stamp dead or alive?
> >Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 17:05:44 -0000
> >
> >Hi Alex,
> >
> >According to your previous message you were running a motor in the
> >application and the battery when dead or low.
> >
> >The issue I see is, how much effort did you take to protect the stamp
> >from inductive spikes from the motor? what isolation did you provide
> >between the logic and the motor drive hardware? Did you use separate
> >power supplies, with adequate flywheel diodes in place? If this was
> >insufficient, you probably fried the stamp.
> >
> >If you used the stamp to power anything other than the base of a
> >transistor you probably fried the stamp regulator. All the information
> >you need to get most things done is in the stamp manual and the Nuts
> >and Volts archieves along with some basic electronic books, have you
> >read this material, if not, start reading.
> >
> >Alot of people have fun with stamps but some people will get in over
> >their head on design issues which will easily kill a stamp or any
> >other digital device. If this has happened to you then this simply
> >means that it is time to hit the books and learn, or you will probably
> >kill more stamps without understanding why.
> >
> >We cannot see what you built or why, and thus we out here in the stamp
> >group will be hard pressed to give you the correct answer.
> >
> >Ron
> >
> >
> >
Original Message
> >From: "Alex Stewart" <robotman5@h...>
> >To: <>
> >Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:31 PM
> >Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] My stamp dead or alive?
> >
> >
> > > I sent out a message before with no responses , so here's the short
> >version
> > > of my problem , downloading a program to the stamp with the stamp
> >editor
> > > results in a hardware communications failure, but alt I says the
> >stamp is
> > > there, so Is my stamp dead or alive? or is the stamp fine but the
> >Rs232
> > > Interface cooked?
> > > Thanx
> > > -Alex
> > >
> >______________________________________________________________________
> >__
> > > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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