bankswitching BS2SX-IC with STAMPW V1.091b
I tried works!
Thanks all [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Now I feel like I did when I got my memory expansion
cartridge for my VIC-20!
Now I am thinking of using a thumbwheel switch or
something that can be read at power on and take me
to the corresponding code.
God mode:ON
At 09:48 PM 5/23/00, you wrote:
>Hello, stampers,
>some mails reported from no sucess while using ALT+<bankNr>, recommended
>for using STAMPW to switch bank-related editor-windows.
>Thanks to William E. Thompson, with his mail 05/22/00 he gave the hint to
>overcome the difficulties with including a loading/downloading Editor
>directive (shorted text):
>>Using the Windoze editor,insert the following line of code in the header of
>>program 0, this will load the other programs in the order that they are
>>'Header file for program0.bsx
>>'{$STAMP BS2SX, program1.bsx, program2.bsx, program3.bsx}
>>The editor will read this line even though it is commented, and will load
>>program0 in location 0, program1 in location1, etc.
>To get own experience I made a impressive sample with very simple code to
>see how it works.
>I attached here for common interest with file BANKSWIT.ZIP
>Open bank0.BSX only, the others are opened automatically in their windows.
>Then comment (or kill) the directive-line to start with window 0.
>Hope, it's for looking through.
>At last: Does anybody know how to use ALT+<bankNr> for bankswitching as
>described in STAMPW-description ? Regards Klaus Zahnert
>Attachment Converted: "C:\EUDORA\Attach\"
I tried works!
Thanks all [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Now I feel like I did when I got my memory expansion
cartridge for my VIC-20!
Now I am thinking of using a thumbwheel switch or
something that can be read at power on and take me
to the corresponding code.
God mode:ON
At 09:48 PM 5/23/00, you wrote:
>Hello, stampers,
>some mails reported from no sucess while using ALT+<bankNr>, recommended
>for using STAMPW to switch bank-related editor-windows.
>Thanks to William E. Thompson, with his mail 05/22/00 he gave the hint to
>overcome the difficulties with including a loading/downloading Editor
>directive (shorted text):
>>Using the Windoze editor,insert the following line of code in the header of
>>program 0, this will load the other programs in the order that they are
>>'Header file for program0.bsx
>>'{$STAMP BS2SX, program1.bsx, program2.bsx, program3.bsx}
>>The editor will read this line even though it is commented, and will load
>>program0 in location 0, program1 in location1, etc.
>To get own experience I made a impressive sample with very simple code to
>see how it works.
>I attached here for common interest with file BANKSWIT.ZIP
>Open bank0.BSX only, the others are opened automatically in their windows.
>Then comment (or kill) the directive-line to start with window 0.
>Hope, it's for looking through.
>At last: Does anybody know how to use ALT+<bankNr> for bankswitching as
>described in STAMPW-description ? Regards Klaus Zahnert
>Attachment Converted: "C:\EUDORA\Attach\"
some mails reported from no sucess while using ALT+<bankNr>, recommended
for using STAMPW to switch bank-related editor-windows.
Thanks to William E. Thompson, with his mail 05/22/00 he gave the hint to
overcome the difficulties with including a loading/downloading Editor
directive (shorted text):
>Using the Windoze editor,insert the following line of code in the header of
>program 0, this will load the other programs in the order that they are
>'Header file for program0.bsx
>'{$STAMP BS2SX, program1.bsx, program2.bsx, program3.bsx}
>The editor will read this line even though it is commented, and will load
>program0 in location 0, program1 in location1, etc.
To get own experience I made a impressive sample with very simple code to
see how it works.
I attached here for common interest with file BANKSWIT.ZIP
Open bank0.BSX only, the others are opened automatically in their windows.
Then comment (or kill) the directive-line to start with window 0.
Hope, it's for looking through.
At last: Does anybody know how to use ALT+<bankNr> for bankswitching as
described in STAMPW-description ? Regards Klaus Zahnert