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74hc595 — Parallax Forums


ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-09-04 01:05 in General Discussion
I deleted the email I needed
the one about connecting more
than one 74hc595 together and
using the 3 stamp pins

can you please email me it-

thanks kevin


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-09-04 01:05
    Hi Jon:

    I've been trying to adapt that '595 circuit on p395 of Basic Stamp manual
    1.9 to run a LCD (Omron DMC-16117A), can't get it to work.

    I just subscribed to Nuts & Volts, sure wish they had their back issues on
    the 'net or even the whole thing on the net as well as the paper monthly

    Anyway, is there any quick tips you don't mind repeating for getting the
    '595 to work with an LCD.

    Best Regards,


    ' 9/3/00
    'Pin out for DMC-16117A
    '1 Vss Vss
    '2 Vcc Vdd
    '3 Vee 10K pot
    '4 RS P04 |register select, H=data input, L=instruction input
    '5 R/W Vss |R/W read/write, H=data read, L=data write,always low we ain't
    gonna do any reading.
    '6 Enable P06 |E enable, H=enable, no pull-up resistor
    ' DMC-16117A <- 74HC595
    '7 DB0 H/L - P15 |
    '8 DB1 H/L - P01 |
    '9 DB2 H/L - P02 |
    '10 DB3 H/L - P03 |<- DMC-16117A <-74HC595
    '11 DB4 H/L - P04 |
    '12 DB5 H/L - P05 |
    '13 DB6 H/L - P06 |
    '14 DB7 H/L - P07 |
    ' P08 -> GRND
    ' P16 -> Vcc
    ' P14 -> BSC P00 "data in"
    ' P13 -> GRND
    ' P12 -> BSC P02 "latch"
    ' P11 -> BSC P01 "clock"
    ' P10 -> +5
    ' P09 -> NC
    ' LCD control pins
    DataP con 0 ' data pin to '595
    Clock con 1 ' shift clock to '595
    Latch con 2 ' moves data from shift register to output latch
    RS con 4 ' Register Select (1 = write instruction, 0 = write data)
    E con 6 ' LCD enable pin (1 = enabled)
    [noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
    counter VAR byte ' counter
    [noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]
    Init: Dirs = %1111111111111111 ' set unused and everything else to
    ' power and protect TTL, only output for this example.
    Pause 200

    low RS
    Pause 200

    ' Initialize the LCD (Hitachi HD44780 controller)

    OutH = %00001111 ' display control
    PULSOUT E, 1 'on off
    PULSOUT E, 1 'cursor on off
    PULSOUT E, 1 'blink of cursor position char

    OutH = %00111000 ' function set, 8-bit mode
    PULSOUT E, 1 'dl 1 = 8
    PAUSE 10 'number of lines, use 2, so enter 1
    PULSOUT E, 1 'character font, 1 5X10, 0 5X7
    PULSOUT E, 1 'last 2 don't care.

    OutH = %00000001 ' clear
    PULSOUT E, 1
    PULSOUT E, 1
    PULSOUT E, 1

    OutH = %00000010 ' cursor home
    PULSOUT E, 1
    PULSOUT E, 1
    PULSOUT E, 1

    high RS
    pause 100

    'write to initialized LCD


    Shiftout DataP, Clock, lsbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]counter] 'send the bits
    Pulsout Latch, 1 'transfer the bits
    pause 150 'wait briefly
    counter = counter + 1 'increment counter

    debug dec ? counter

    goto top

    low RS


    Original Message
    From: jonwms@a... <jonwms@a...>
    To: <>
    Date: Sunday, September 03, 2000 9:29 AM
    Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] 74hc165?

    >In a message dated 9/3/00 11:21:36 AM Central Daylight Time,
    >mcmgamer@n... writes:
    >> I know you can use the 74hc165 to receive an 8-bit number from up
    >> to 8 different high/low inputs. I wanted to know if you could also
    >> output with a 74hc165. Could I send and 8-bit number from my stamp
    >> to then set the high/low status of those 8 pins on the IC?
    >> If anyone has any code they could provide my with regarding
    >> sending or receiving data from the 74hc165 it would be a big help. I
    >> would also love a short description on how to wire the IC.
    >The x165 is a parallel-in, serial-out (to Stamp) shift register. This
    >you can use it for inputs, but not outputs. You can use the 74hc595 for
    >outputs. It's also very easy to use.
    >In the June issue of Nuts & Volts magazine, my Stamp Applications column
    >shows how to use both. The x165 to read a keypad and the x595 to output
    >to a character LCD. The article includes schematics and BS2 code.
    >-- Jon Williams
    >-- Dallas, TX
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