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ds1620 and bs2 code — Parallax Forums

ds1620 and bs2 code

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-04-28 22:01 in General Discussion
Hey there everyone, first time poster, and just starting to get in basic
stamps and electronics, so please forgive my inexperience. I was wondering if
anyone had code to program the ds1620 digital thermometer/thermostat for
standalone operation.
thanks in advance,,


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-04-28 18:37
    >Hey there everyone, first time poster, and just starting to get in basic
    >stamps and electronics, so please forgive my inexperience. I was wondering
    >anyone had code to program the ds1620 digital thermometer/thermostat for
    >standalone operation.
    >thanks in advance,,

    Hi Lou, the following demo uses the BS2 to program the DS1620 for
    standalone mode. Demo thresholds are -0.5 and +1.5 degrees C. Pin 7 on
    the DS1620 is high when the temperature is >=1.5, and pin 6 is high when
    the temperature is <=-0.5. Pin 5 of the DS1620 is high when the temperature
    >=1.5 and low when the temperature <=-0.5, providing hysteresis between the
    two thresholds. When you disconnect the DS1620 from the stamp and move it
    over to work standalone in an application circuit, tie its pins 2 and 3 to

    ' P13=chip select
    ' high activates the DS1620 to receive data
    ' P14=serial clock
    ' P15=serial SPI data in and out
    ' configure DS1620 for standalone mode, continuous conversions
    high 13
    shiftout 15,14,lsbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]12,0]
    low 13
    pause 10 ' let it write (be sure to allow time!)
    ' set the lower threshold= -5.5 deg C
    high 13
    shiftout 15,14,lsbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]2,-1\9] ' lower threshold=-1/2=-0.5 deg C
    ' the twos complement number is sent correctly as 9 bits
    low 13
    pause 10 ' let it write
    ' set the upper threshold= +1.5 deg C
    high 13
    shiftout 15,14,lsbfirst,[noparse][[/noparse]1,3] ' upper threshold=3/2=1.5 deg C
    ' only necessary to send 8 bits for positive number
    low 13
    pause 10

    You can find more explanation on my web site at
    or at
    in the Earth Measurements link.

    -- Tracy Allen
    Electronically Monitored Ecosystems
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-04-28 22:01
    Take a look at the Parallax web site and the application that allows remote
    access to a Stamp at Parallax. That Stamp is monitoring temperature with a
    DS1620. The code is available online.

    -- Jon Williams
    -- Dallas, TX
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