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MEMkey — Parallax Forums


ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-04-19 10:39 in General Discussion
Hi all,

I'm trying to use the MEMkey keypad encoder (from Solution Cubed) with a
I can communicate with the MEMkey, I even receive codes when I push a button
on the keypad.
The problem is that I can't program the keys to return certains values. It
should be possible, because there is a code sample in the little manual of
the MEMkey.
Also, the encoder should return codes from '00'H to '13'H (or 0 to 19) for
the keys 0 to 19 (this is the factory setting). But I get results like 127
for the '2' key, 63 for the '3' key, and so on.

The following code is not working :

N2400 con $43FD '2400 baudmode for BS2SX

SEROUT 14,N2400,[noparse][[/noparse]$0A,$00,$40]

This should program the encoder to return '40'H when the key 0 is pushed
(which is the '1' key on the keypad I use).

Is there a trick for the BS2SX, or do I forget something else ?
The keypad is a 4 x 4 matrix from Grayhill.

Thanks in advance for your help !


Philippe Derenne
Computer Solutions

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