The MAX3100 from Maxim will receive & transmit 8 bits with parity.
It connects to the Stamp via an SPI serial bus. That solution is
probably easier than the one you mentioned using two back to back
-- Tracy
>hi, does anybody knows an UART serial to paralel (and vice versa)? I
>am conecting my B2sx to a machine that only transmit 8 bits plus
>parity so I will try to use 2 of these UARTs (one recives serial 8
>bits plus parity and tx paralel, the second one recives these 8
>paralel bits and tx serial 8 bits no parity). I only foud in old
>cataloges these UART COM2502 and COM2017, but it seems like they do
>not sell it anymore.
>please help.
>pd: sorry about my english.
If you are in a hurry for these devices, check the availability of these
from Maxim or distributors. I had trouble getting the 3100 and 3110 in the
UK. In the end Al Williams kindly sourced them for me, and he had trouble
gerting them himself.
Also, don't forget the crystal.
Original Message
From: "Tracy Allen" <tracy@e...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
> The MAX3100 from Maxim will receive & transmit 8 bits with parity.
> It connects to the Stamp via an SPI serial bus. That solution is
> probably easier than the one you mentioned using two back to back
> UARTs.
> -- Tracy
> >hi, does anybody knows an UART serial to paralel (and vice versa)? I
> >am conecting my B2sx to a machine that only transmit 8 bits plus
> >parity so I will try to use 2 of these UARTs (one recives serial 8
> >bits plus parity and tx paralel, the second one recives these 8
> >paralel bits and tx serial 8 bits no parity). I only foud in old
> >cataloges these UART COM2502 and COM2017, but it seems like they do
> >not sell it anymore.
> >please help.
> >Oscar
> >pd: sorry about my english.
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Intel makes one that is/used to be widely used in PC designs - the 8251. They
called it a USART (Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter).
Motorola had one similar in capability - the 6850. This one is called the ACIA
(Asynchronous Comminications Interface Adapter). Zilog also made one called the
Z80-SIO (Serial I/O). All can be found in the Jameco catalog
While there, pick up a Maxim or Sipex RS-232 converter which converts signal
level from TTL to RS-232.
With respect to the BSII, you will have to dedicate another 2 or 3 I/O pins to
control read/write access to the UART. You will probably also have to construct
some type of clock to drive the UART.
kevin k asato / kc6pob
--- oscarg@v... wrote:> hi, does anybody knows an UART serial to paralel>
(and vice versa)? I am conecting my B2sx to a> machine that only transmit 8 bits
plus parity so I> will try to use 2 of these UARTs (one recives serial> 8 bits
plus parity and tx paralel, the second one> recives these 8 paralel bits and tx
serial 8 bits no> parity). I only foud in old cataloges these UART> COM2502 and
COM2017, but it seems like they do not> sell it anymore.> please help.> Oscar>
pd: sorry about my english. > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:>> from the same email address that you
subscribed. > Text in the Subject and Body of the message will be> ignored.> >
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Speaking of mnemonic devices; something I learned a long time ago that has stuck
with me for remembering both bipolar transistors and mosfets symbols are: (In
reference to the arrow on the device)
NPN-->(N)ever (P)oints i(N)
PNP-->(P)oints i(N) (P)roud
N channel mosfet-->i(N)
P channel mosfet--> not "i(N)" ;-)
Silly, but I hope it helps [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Good Luck,
-=Randy Knutson
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Hello from Gregg C Levine
Not yet. But I've got one request. Cease and desist from using all caps,
its considered shouting, and its rather rude, and very impolite. Just
remember to follow standard punctuation rules, and you'll be fine.
Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@w...
"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."· Obi-Wan Kenobi
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi )
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )
We used to use QEdit when I was doing programming in the pre-windows
environment. It was really sweet. If I remember right you could set it up
with all the tricks you needed for whatever language you were using.
Somewhere I even have a copy of Microsoft Cobol for the PC running around
> I have made my own COBOL editor which is pretty good - written in VB.
> I'll bet with just a few changes i can make it into a BASIC STAMP editor.
> It is an editor only of course, no syntax checking or compiling - just
syntax hilighting.
> As I get more and more into the Basic Stamp I am sure I will find nice
little shortcuts to add to my editor.
radio shack: part# 2760145 and put a differential op amp ciruit mixed in to
detect only a "flash" of light.
-- Kyle S.
Original Message
From: "M. E. M. Electronics" <memelectronics@e...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 5:23 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
> Hey all,
> has anyone seen or have a code and schematic for an IR led with
phototransistor (?) at other end connected to stamp that will not trigger
from extraneous light like sun glare? Have a medical device that needs a
sensor when door opens and afraid of stray light triggering the sensor at
the other end. saw Jon's TI sensor & listing in the Stamp Book Vol 2 and
may work, but thought someone has seen something i haven't. thanks for any
> sincerely,
> Mike m
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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I've not personally had the need to interface with a compact flash card; I've
been happy with using I2C memories. Perhaps someone created a serial
interface for memory cards that would be Stamp-friendly, but I haven't seen
one. Then again, I haven't been looking.
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
In a message dated 1/28/2003 7:16:10 PM Central Standard Time, memelectronics@e... writes:
> Dear Stampers,
> has anyone especially Jon Williams ever seen any application of a stamp
> interfacing with a solid state memory card, i.e., MMC, Smart, Compact
> Flash, etc. If so could you pass on the site for the application or any
> ideas on how to code the interface would help.. Your help as usual is
> greatly appreciated
> mike m
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
--- In, jonwms@a... wrote:
> I've not personally had the need to interface with a compact flash
card; I've
> been happy with using I2C memories. Perhaps someone created a
> interface for memory cards that would be Stamp-friendly, but I
haven't seen
> one. Then again, I haven't been looking.
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Parallax
> In a message dated 1/28/2003 7:16:10 PM Central Standard Time,
> memelectronics@e... writes:
> > Dear Stampers,
> > has anyone especially Jon Williams ever seen any application of
a stamp
> > interfacing with a solid state memory card, i.e., MMC, Smart,
> > Flash, etc. If so could you pass on the site for the application
or any
> > ideas on how to code the interface would help.. Your help as
usual is
> > greatly appreciated
> > mike m
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>Dear Stampers,
> has anyone especially Jon Williams ever seen any application of a
>stamp interfacing with a solid state memory card, i.e., MMC, Smart,
>Compact Flash, etc. If so could you pass on the site for the
>application or any ideas on how to code the interface would help..
>Your help as usual is greatly appreciated
>mike m
Here are a few.
Barry started the prototype on a BS2 then moved to a PIC. Check
out toward the bottom of the page. Fabulous project.
Can you read back the contents of the OUT register, after sending the
command, to see if the register contents match what you sent and what
yoou see on the outputs? I think Jon Williams has N&V example
programs for using that chip.
-- Tracy
>Hello all,
>I am using some Philips PCA9554A I2C I/O expanders on a BS2p and have run
>into some rather odd behavior. If I cycle the I/O pins between %10101010
>and %01010101 the chip won't output!
>If I cycle the I/O pins between %00001010 and %00010101 then it does work!
>The only way I can get the %10101010 to %01010101 to work is:
>INreg CON $00
>OUTreg CON $01
>POLreg CON $02
>CONreg CON $03
> I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%11111111] 'set pins as input
> I2COUT 8, %01110000, OUTreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%10101010] 'set I/O pins
> I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%00000000] 'set pins as output
> I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%11111111] 'set pins as input
> I2COUT 8, %01110000, OUTreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%01010101] 'set I/O pins
> I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%00000000] 'set pins as output
>GOTO redo
>I am measuring the bit0 signal with an oscilloscope. If I don't use the
>above scheme then all I get is a constant 5v at the bit0. I have tried
>many pause commands separating the I2C commands but that did not help. It
>seems the only way I can get reliability out of this chip is to go to
>inputs, write data, then go to outputs.
>I have duplicated the behavior with 3 different PCA9554A chips.
>Has anyone else worked with this chip? Is this a chip error or an I2COUT
>Chuck Chargin Jr.
When I read back the out register I get the value I just wrote to it.
It almost seems as if the chip "locks up".
I remembered that I had a PCF8574 so I tried it. It is a pin for pin
replacement of the PCA9554.
I just had to tweak my code a bit and the PCF8574 works no problem. So I
guess the PCA9554 has some quirk to it when you change the outputs really fast.
Chuck Chargin Jr.
At 10:12 AM 6/12/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Chuck,
>Can you read back the contents of the OUT register, after sending the
>command, to see if the register contents match what you sent and what
>yoou see on the outputs? I think Jon Williams has N&V example
>programs for using that chip.
> -- Tracy
> >Hello all,
> >
> >I am using some Philips PCA9554A I2C I/O expanders on a BS2p and have run
> >into some rather odd behavior. If I cycle the I/O pins between %10101010
> >and %01010101 the chip won't output!
> >If I cycle the I/O pins between %00001010 and %00010101 then it does work!
> >
> >The only way I can get the %10101010 to %01010101 to work is:
> >
> >INreg CON $00
> >OUTreg CON $01
> >POLreg CON $02
> >CONreg CON $03
> >
> >redo:
> > I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%11111111] 'set pins as input
> > I2COUT 8, %01110000, OUTreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%10101010] 'set I/O pins
> > I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%00000000] 'set pins as output
> > I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%11111111] 'set pins as input
> > I2COUT 8, %01110000, OUTreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%01010101] 'set I/O pins
> > I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%00000000] 'set pins as output
> >GOTO redo
> >
> >I am measuring the bit0 signal with an oscilloscope. If I don't use the
> >above scheme then all I get is a constant 5v at the bit0. I have tried
> >many pause commands separating the I2C commands but that did not help. It
> >seems the only way I can get reliability out of this chip is to go to
> >inputs, write data, then go to outputs.
> >
> >I have duplicated the behavior with 3 different PCA9554A chips.
> >
> >Has anyone else worked with this chip? Is this a chip error or an I2COUT
> >error?
> >
> >TIA.
> >
> >Chuck Chargin Jr.
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your voltage for the relays is probably pulling down when they are
activated. A more powerful power supply is necessary. If the one you have
is marginal, sometimes just putting a large value electrolytic across it may
allow it to work since the pull in current is usually considerably higher
than the holding current on the relay, but this is just for experimentation,
not practical applications.
if inA=outB
goto main
I use a ULN-2003A to amp. the voltage also the current. With this voltage I
control 3 relays. The problem is that the relays start to shake when I
download the program into my controller. I guess that the command brings the
outputs very short on a 0 status even when my input voltage is 5V. Does
anybody have an idea to solve my program so the relays won't shake anymore.
Kindly regards,
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Original Message
From: "Albert Catano" <acatano2002@y...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Heads up display
> Take a look at they have a nifty rgb LEDs
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Though question (Please) below on what you wrote
Jon wrote:
You might use IF-THEN-ELSE if your statement blocks aren't unruly:
> TestPin PIN 3
> Check:
> IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
> ' program continue block
> ' program block
My problem
I think the problem I have is what do you call pin 3 so as the checker
doesn't ask "undefined symbol".
Your set out is much neater and I will try that but can you explain to me
what must be obvious and simple to others, but I just seem to miss it!!
In this line
IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
What do I call pin 3..( I tried Pin3). i.e. type in "test" the pin has no
symbol name, its just switching a LED on and off and I need to know if it is
on as a variable in the IF THEN!
hope that makes sense!
Rob Farrand
Ftech Connection Pty Ltd
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Original Message
From: "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 1:10 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
> You might use IF-THEN-ELSE if your statement blocks aren't unruly:
> TestPin PIN 3
> Check:
> IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
> ' program continue block
> ' program block
> This code requires the $PBASIC 2.5 directive, available in version 2.x
> of our compiler. I suggest you download the latest version (2.1, Beta
> 1).
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Parallax
Original Message
> From: Rob Farrand ... FTech Connection
> [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]ftech@n...[/url
> Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 8:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] IF THEN STATMENT CHECKING PIN STATE
> Hi All
> Been some cool and helpful topics on the board thanks!
> I have what is possibly a simple question but not sure of the command
> for it. I would like to write a IF THEN statement that relies on if a
> output pin or group of output pins are high.
> IE not in correct code but idea
> I have no more variables to use in this code as they are all taken up. I
> don't want to wait for the pin to go high just check its state and then
> if it is high and the other variables are correct go to PROGRAMCONTINUE
> or other name. Also I don't want to change the state of the output pin
> either just check its state.
> Thanks
> Rob
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What you'll notice is that I've renamed P3 as TestPin; while not
required, it makes reading code easier. In the end, the compiler will
IF (TestPin = 1)...
to this:
IF (IN3 = 1)...
IN3 being the input bit connected to P3. But IN3 doesn't mean anything,
so using the PIN type declaration allows us to give P3 a meaningful name
(not that TestPin is meaningful, but I suspect you'll choose something
that is). Also note that you must have the {$PBASIC 2.5} declaration at
the head of your program -- I assumed that you did and left it out.
Run this quick test, then change the DEBUG statements to your code:
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
TestPin PIN 3
x VAR Byte
x = 6
IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
DEBUG "P3 is high", CR
DEBUG "P3 is low, CR
GOTO Check
The code sets x so that the only real test is the P3 input.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Though question (Please) below on what you wrote
Jon wrote:
You might use IF-THEN-ELSE if your statement blocks aren't unruly:
> TestPin PIN 3
> Check:
> IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
> ' program continue block
> ' program block
My problem
I think the problem I have is what do you call pin 3 so as the checker
doesn't ask "undefined symbol". Your set out is much neater and I will
try that but can you explain to me what must be obvious and simple to
others, but I just seem to miss it!! In this line
IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
What do I call pin 3..( I tried Pin3). i.e. type in "test" the pin has
no symbol name, its just switching a LED on and off and I need to know
if it is on as a variable in the IF THEN!
hope that makes sense!
Rob Farrand
Ftech Connection Pty Ltd
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Original Message
From: "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 1:10 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
> You might use IF-THEN-ELSE if your statement blocks aren't unruly:
> TestPin PIN 3
> Check:
> IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
> ' program continue block
> ' program block
> This code requires the $PBASIC 2.5 directive, available in version 2.x
> of our compiler. I suggest you download the latest version (2.1, Beta
> 1).
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Parallax
Original Message
> From: Rob Farrand ... FTech Connection
> [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]ftech@n...[/url
> Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 8:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] IF THEN STATMENT CHECKING PIN STATE
> Hi All
> Been some cool and helpful topics on the board thanks!
> I have what is possibly a simple question but not sure of the command
> for it. I would like to write a IF THEN statement that relies on if a
> output pin or group of output pins are high.
> IE not in correct code but idea
> I have no more variables to use in this code as they are all taken up.
> I don't want to wait for the pin to go high just check its state and
> then if it is high and the other variables are correct go to
> PROGRAMCONTINUE or other name. Also I don't want to change the state
> of the output pin either just check its state.
> Thanks
> Rob
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I may have a couple questions.... I just install the source code
for the BS1clock.bas and it seems like there is a bug in the program. I got
the source code from the parallax CDF. My question is was the any corrections
done to the code or the wireing diagram.. Thank you for ur help....
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I may have a couple questions.... I just install the source
for the BS1clock.bas and it seems like there is a bug in the program. I
the source code from the parallax CDF. My question is was the any
done to the code or the wireing diagram.. Thank you for ur help....
Starter Kit and BS2p Plus Pack pages for code and docs.
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
In a message dated 6/3/02 6:38:33 PM Central Daylight Time,
mocenter@e... writes:
> Hay guys,
> has anyone come across any URLs or articles on applications for the new
> BS2p chip?
> thanks
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
several BS2P projects:
Al Williams
* Control 8 servos at once
Original Message
> From: mocenter [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]mocenter@e...[/url
> Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 6:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
> Hay guys,
> has anyone come across any URLs or articles on applications
> for the new BS2p chip?
> thanks
> mike m
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It connects to the Stamp via an SPI serial bus. That solution is
probably easier than the one you mentioned using two back to back
-- Tracy
>hi, does anybody knows an UART serial to paralel (and vice versa)? I
>am conecting my B2sx to a machine that only transmit 8 bits plus
>parity so I will try to use 2 of these UARTs (one recives serial 8
>bits plus parity and tx paralel, the second one recives these 8
>paralel bits and tx serial 8 bits no parity). I only foud in old
>cataloges these UART COM2502 and COM2017, but it seems like they do
>not sell it anymore.
>please help.
>pd: sorry about my english.
from Maxim or distributors. I had trouble getting the 3100 and 3110 in the
UK. In the end Al Williams kindly sourced them for me, and he had trouble
gerting them himself.
Also, don't forget the crystal.
Original Message
From: "Tracy Allen" <tracy@e...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 4:01 AM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
> The MAX3100 from Maxim will receive & transmit 8 bits with parity.
> It connects to the Stamp via an SPI serial bus. That solution is
> probably easier than the one you mentioned using two back to back
> UARTs.
> -- Tracy
> >hi, does anybody knows an UART serial to paralel (and vice versa)? I
> >am conecting my B2sx to a machine that only transmit 8 bits plus
> >parity so I will try to use 2 of these UARTs (one recives serial 8
> >bits plus parity and tx paralel, the second one recives these 8
> >paralel bits and tx serial 8 bits no parity). I only foud in old
> >cataloges these UART COM2502 and COM2017, but it seems like they do
> >not sell it anymore.
> >please help.
> >Oscar
> >pd: sorry about my english.
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called it a USART (Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter).
Motorola had one similar in capability - the 6850. This one is called the ACIA
(Asynchronous Comminications Interface Adapter). Zilog also made one called the
Z80-SIO (Serial I/O). All can be found in the Jameco catalog
While there, pick up a Maxim or Sipex RS-232 converter which converts signal
level from TTL to RS-232.
With respect to the BSII, you will have to dedicate another 2 or 3 I/O pins to
control read/write access to the UART. You will probably also have to construct
some type of clock to drive the UART.
kevin k asato / kc6pob
--- oscarg@v... wrote:> hi, does anybody knows an UART serial to paralel>
(and vice versa)? I am conecting my B2sx to a> machine that only transmit 8 bits
plus parity so I> will try to use 2 of these UARTs (one recives serial> 8 bits
plus parity and tx paralel, the second one> recives these 8 paralel bits and tx
serial 8 bits no> parity). I only foud in old cataloges these UART> COM2502 and
COM2017, but it seems like they do not> sell it anymore.> please help.> Oscar>
pd: sorry about my english. > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:>> from the same email address that you
subscribed. > Text in the Subject and Body of the message will be> ignored.> >
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to> > >
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Sign-up for Video Highlights of 2002 FIFA World Cup
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with me for remembering both bipolar transistors and mosfets symbols are: (In
reference to the arrow on the device)
NPN-->(N)ever (P)oints i(N)
PNP-->(P)oints i(N) (P)roud
N channel mosfet-->i(N)
P channel mosfet--> not "i(N)" ;-)
Silly, but I hope it helps [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Good Luck,
-=Randy Knutson
Do You Yahoo!?
Sign-up for Video Highlights of 2002 FIFA World Cup
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Not yet. But I've got one request. Cease and desist from using all caps,
its considered shouting, and its rather rude, and very impolite. Just
remember to follow standard punctuation rules, and you'll be fine.
Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@w...
"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."· Obi-Wan Kenobi
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to General Obi-Wan Kenobi )
(This company dedicates this E-Mail to Master Yoda )
Original Message
> From: mocenter [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]mocenter@e...[/url
> Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 10:57 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
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environment. It was really sweet. If I remember right you could set it up
with all the tricks you needed for whatever language you were using.
Somewhere I even have a copy of Microsoft Cobol for the PC running around
> I have made my own COBOL editor which is pretty good - written in VB.
> I'll bet with just a few changes i can make it into a BASIC STAMP editor.
> It is an editor only of course, no syntax checking or compiling - just
syntax hilighting.
> As I get more and more into the Basic Stamp I am sure I will find nice
little shortcuts to add to my editor.
radio shack: part# 2760145 and put a differential op amp ciruit mixed in to
detect only a "flash" of light.
-- Kyle S.
Original Message
From: "M. E. M. Electronics" <memelectronics@e...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 5:23 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
> Hey all,
> has anyone seen or have a code and schematic for an IR led with
phototransistor (?) at other end connected to stamp that will not trigger
from extraneous light like sun glare? Have a medical device that needs a
sensor when door opens and afraid of stray light triggering the sensor at
the other end. saw Jon's TI sensor & listing in the Stamp Book Vol 2 and
may work, but thought someone has seen something i haven't. thanks for any
> sincerely,
> Mike m
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been happy with using I2C memories. Perhaps someone created a serial
interface for memory cards that would be Stamp-friendly, but I haven't seen
one. Then again, I haven't been looking.
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
In a message dated 1/28/2003 7:16:10 PM Central Standard Time,
memelectronics@e... writes:
> Dear Stampers,
> has anyone especially Jon Williams ever seen any application of a stamp
> interfacing with a solid state memory card, i.e., MMC, Smart, Compact
> Flash, etc. If so could you pass on the site for the application or any
> ideas on how to code the interface would help.. Your help as usual is
> greatly appreciated
> mike m
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
This sounds like what Jon is describing - serial to ATA for the Stamp.
--- In, jonwms@a... wrote:
> I've not personally had the need to interface with a compact flash
card; I've
> been happy with using I2C memories. Perhaps someone created a
> interface for memory cards that would be Stamp-friendly, but I
haven't seen
> one. Then again, I haven't been looking.
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Parallax
> In a message dated 1/28/2003 7:16:10 PM Central Standard Time,
> memelectronics@e... writes:
> > Dear Stampers,
> > has anyone especially Jon Williams ever seen any application of
a stamp
> > interfacing with a solid state memory card, i.e., MMC, Smart,
> > Flash, etc. If so could you pass on the site for the application
or any
> > ideas on how to code the interface would help.. Your help as
usual is
> > greatly appreciated
> > mike m
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> has anyone especially Jon Williams ever seen any application of a
>stamp interfacing with a solid state memory card, i.e., MMC, Smart,
>Compact Flash, etc. If so could you pass on the site for the
>application or any ideas on how to code the interface would help..
>Your help as usual is greatly appreciated
>mike m
Here are a few.
Barry started the prototype on a BS2 then moved to a PIC. Check
out toward the bottom of the page. Fabulous project.
Ready to go RS232 to CF ATA card. $$$
smart card to BS2 example.
MMC interface for sale from Milford Instruments, U.K.
MMC or SC as kit with PBP source.
CF card interface, turnkey/Am188 processor
Looks good? but not much data available.
There are lots of materials on the Parallax web site that will help you with
your project. A little research will go a long way for you.
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
In a message dated 3/25/2003 10:27:35 AM Central Standard Time,
peter.christiaen@s... writes:
> Hi,
> I
Can you read back the contents of the OUT register, after sending the
command, to see if the register contents match what you sent and what
yoou see on the outputs? I think Jon Williams has N&V example
programs for using that chip.
-- Tracy
>Hello all,
>I am using some Philips PCA9554A I2C I/O expanders on a BS2p and have run
>into some rather odd behavior. If I cycle the I/O pins between %10101010
>and %01010101 the chip won't output!
>If I cycle the I/O pins between %00001010 and %00010101 then it does work!
>The only way I can get the %10101010 to %01010101 to work is:
>INreg CON $00
>OUTreg CON $01
>POLreg CON $02
>CONreg CON $03
> I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%11111111] 'set pins as input
> I2COUT 8, %01110000, OUTreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%10101010] 'set I/O pins
> I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%00000000] 'set pins as output
> I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%11111111] 'set pins as input
> I2COUT 8, %01110000, OUTreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%01010101] 'set I/O pins
> I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%00000000] 'set pins as output
>GOTO redo
>I am measuring the bit0 signal with an oscilloscope. If I don't use the
>above scheme then all I get is a constant 5v at the bit0. I have tried
>many pause commands separating the I2C commands but that did not help. It
>seems the only way I can get reliability out of this chip is to go to
>inputs, write data, then go to outputs.
>I have duplicated the behavior with 3 different PCA9554A chips.
>Has anyone else worked with this chip? Is this a chip error or an I2COUT
>Chuck Chargin Jr.
When I read back the out register I get the value I just wrote to it.
It almost seems as if the chip "locks up".
I remembered that I had a PCF8574 so I tried it. It is a pin for pin
replacement of the PCA9554.
I just had to tweak my code a bit and the PCF8574 works no problem. So I
guess the PCA9554 has some quirk to it when you change the outputs really fast.
Chuck Chargin Jr.
At 10:12 AM 6/12/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Chuck,
>Can you read back the contents of the OUT register, after sending the
>command, to see if the register contents match what you sent and what
>yoou see on the outputs? I think Jon Williams has N&V example
>programs for using that chip.
> -- Tracy
> >Hello all,
> >
> >I am using some Philips PCA9554A I2C I/O expanders on a BS2p and have run
> >into some rather odd behavior. If I cycle the I/O pins between %10101010
> >and %01010101 the chip won't output!
> >If I cycle the I/O pins between %00001010 and %00010101 then it does work!
> >
> >The only way I can get the %10101010 to %01010101 to work is:
> >
> >INreg CON $00
> >OUTreg CON $01
> >POLreg CON $02
> >CONreg CON $03
> >
> >redo:
> > I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%11111111] 'set pins as input
> > I2COUT 8, %01110000, OUTreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%10101010] 'set I/O pins
> > I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%00000000] 'set pins as output
> > I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%11111111] 'set pins as input
> > I2COUT 8, %01110000, OUTreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%01010101] 'set I/O pins
> > I2COUT 8, %01110000, CONreg, [noparse][[/noparse]%00000000] 'set pins as output
> >GOTO redo
> >
> >I am measuring the bit0 signal with an oscilloscope. If I don't use the
> >above scheme then all I get is a constant 5v at the bit0. I have tried
> >many pause commands separating the I2C commands but that did not help. It
> >seems the only way I can get reliability out of this chip is to go to
> >inputs, write data, then go to outputs.
> >
> >I have duplicated the behavior with 3 different PCA9554A chips.
> >
> >Has anyone else worked with this chip? Is this a chip error or an I2COUT
> >error?
> >
> >TIA.
> >
> >Chuck Chargin Jr.
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activated. A more powerful power supply is necessary. If the one you have
is marginal, sometimes just putting a large value electrolytic across it may
allow it to work since the pull in current is usually considerably higher
than the holding current on the relay, but this is just for experimentation,
not practical applications.
Original Message
From: TLD-NV [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]peter.christiaen@s...[/url
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:51 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
Hi everyone,
I've made a program to read in 3 switch values and the status of the
switches determines how the output pins must be.
PIN 0=switch 1
PIN 1=switch 2
PIN 2=switch 3
PIN 4=output 1
PIN 5=output 2
PIN 6=output 3
I programmed my BS2P-24 as following:
low 4
low 5
low 6
if inA=outB
goto main
I use a ULN-2003A to amp. the voltage also the current. With this voltage I
control 3 relays. The problem is that the relays start to shake when I
download the program into my controller. I guess that the command brings the
outputs very short on a 0 status even when my input voltage is 5V. Does
anybody have an idea to solve my program so the relays won't shake anymore.
Kindly regards,
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Original Message
From: "Albert Catano" <acatano2002@y...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Heads up display
> Take a look at they have a nifty rgb LEDs
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Though question (Please) below on what you wrote
Jon wrote:
You might use IF-THEN-ELSE if your statement blocks aren't unruly:
> TestPin PIN 3
> Check:
> IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
> ' program continue block
> ' program block
My problem
I think the problem I have is what do you call pin 3 so as the checker
doesn't ask "undefined symbol".
Your set out is much neater and I will try that but can you explain to me
what must be obvious and simple to others, but I just seem to miss it!!
In this line
IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
What do I call pin 3..( I tried Pin3). i.e. type in "test" the pin has no
symbol name, its just switching a LED on and off and I need to know if it is
on as a variable in the IF THEN!
hope that makes sense!
Rob Farrand
Ftech Connection Pty Ltd
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Original Message
From: "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 1:10 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
> You might use IF-THEN-ELSE if your statement blocks aren't unruly:
> TestPin PIN 3
> Check:
> IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
> ' program continue block
> ' program block
> This code requires the $PBASIC 2.5 directive, available in version 2.x
> of our compiler. I suggest you download the latest version (2.1, Beta
> 1).
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Parallax
Original Message
> From: Rob Farrand ... FTech Connection
> [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]ftech@n...[/url
> Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 8:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] IF THEN STATMENT CHECKING PIN STATE
> Hi All
> Been some cool and helpful topics on the board thanks!
> I have what is possibly a simple question but not sure of the command
> for it. I would like to write a IF THEN statement that relies on if a
> output pin or group of output pins are high.
> IE not in correct code but idea
> I have no more variables to use in this code as they are all taken up. I
> don't want to wait for the pin to go high just check its state and then
> if it is high and the other variables are correct go to PROGRAMCONTINUE
> or other name. Also I don't want to change the state of the output pin
> either just check its state.
> Thanks
> Rob
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required, it makes reading code easier. In the end, the compiler will
IF (TestPin = 1)...
to this:
IF (IN3 = 1)...
IN3 being the input bit connected to P3. But IN3 doesn't mean anything,
so using the PIN type declaration allows us to give P3 a meaningful name
(not that TestPin is meaningful, but I suspect you'll choose something
that is). Also note that you must have the {$PBASIC 2.5} declaration at
the head of your program -- I assumed that you did and left it out.
Run this quick test, then change the DEBUG statements to your code:
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
TestPin PIN 3
x VAR Byte
x = 6
IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
DEBUG "P3 is high", CR
DEBUG "P3 is low, CR
GOTO Check
The code sets x so that the only real test is the P3 input.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: Rob Farrand ... FTech Connection
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
Though question (Please) below on what you wrote
Jon wrote:
You might use IF-THEN-ELSE if your statement blocks aren't unruly:
> TestPin PIN 3
> Check:
> IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
> ' program continue block
> ' program block
My problem
I think the problem I have is what do you call pin 3 so as the checker
doesn't ask "undefined symbol". Your set out is much neater and I will
try that but can you explain to me what must be obvious and simple to
others, but I just seem to miss it!! In this line
IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
What do I call pin 3..( I tried Pin3). i.e. type in "test" the pin has
no symbol name, its just switching a LED on and off and I need to know
if it is on as a variable in the IF THEN!
hope that makes sense!
Rob Farrand
Ftech Connection Pty Ltd
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Original Message
From: "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 1:10 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
> You might use IF-THEN-ELSE if your statement blocks aren't unruly:
> TestPin PIN 3
> Check:
> IF (TestPin = 1) AND (x > 5) AND (x < 8) THEN
> ' program continue block
> ' program block
> This code requires the $PBASIC 2.5 directive, available in version 2.x
> of our compiler. I suggest you download the latest version (2.1, Beta
> 1).
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Parallax
Original Message
> From: Rob Farrand ... FTech Connection
> [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]ftech@n...[/url
> Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 8:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] IF THEN STATMENT CHECKING PIN STATE
> Hi All
> Been some cool and helpful topics on the board thanks!
> I have what is possibly a simple question but not sure of the command
> for it. I would like to write a IF THEN statement that relies on if a
> output pin or group of output pins are high.
> IE not in correct code but idea
> I have no more variables to use in this code as they are all taken up.
> I don't want to wait for the pin to go high just check its state and
> then if it is high and the other variables are correct go to
> PROGRAMCONTINUE or other name. Also I don't want to change the state
> of the output pin either just check its state.
> Thanks
> Rob
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I may have a couple questions.... I just install the source code
for the BS1clock.bas and it seems like there is a bug in the program. I got
the source code from the parallax CDF. My question is was the any corrections
done to the code or the wireing diagram.. Thank you for ur help....
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
use where the bug is and fix it, we'll send you a prize.
To answer your question, each version of the Parllax CD includes the
latest code updates.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: ARTICALEX@A... [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]ARTICALEX@A...[/url
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps]
Hi jon
I may have a couple questions.... I just install the source
for the BS1clock.bas and it seems like there is a bug in the program. I
the source code from the parallax CDF. My question is was the any
done to the code or the wireing diagram.. Thank you for ur help....