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2-Way RF Communication

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-03-29 21:33 in General Discussion
I need a little help programming in PBASIC. Well, let me first explain
exactly what I hope to accomplish. I have two separate devices, each with a
new OEM BS2 connected to a SEE 4x20 LCD. Each stamp is also connected to a
pair of Parallax RF modules. The last thing both devices have is an Al
Williams PAK-6 keyboard decoder and PS/2 keyboard. What I want to accomplish
is two-way communication between the Stamps. I know that my program must be
in a continuous loop, switching between reading the keyboard and the Rx
module every few ticks. The code I have written so far allows the user to
type on the keyboard and have the text appear on the LCD. This would work
fine, except that the variable (a byte var) is rewritten each time another
key is pressed. I need to somehow keep a running list of the keystrokes to
accomplish another function, mentioned shortly.... The second problem I
encountered is that I need to store one message while the other is being
either read or typed. For example, if a message is received while the user
is typing, I will need to store it in the Stamp's RAM. Also, I would like to
have a way to switch between type mode and receive mode, so the user can read
a message before responding. Since the LCD can display a maximum of 80
characters, I am planning to have no more than 80 bytes of ram allocated to
the message-storing variable. Does the Stamp II have enough RAM to store 80
characters? If so, how would I go about storing the message until the user
is done typing? I will also need to send a message back to the other device
if that RAM is full. I know the stamp language, I'm just not to good at
figuring out in what order the commands need to be in. All of these problems
have left me extremely dazed and confused. Does anyone out there in
Stamp-land have a moment to help? There are too many questions... Take your
pick ;-)
-Collin Allen


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-03-29 06:52
    On 28 Mar 00 at 23:30, Macgyvr64@a... wrote:

    Whew! Pretty tall order for your Stamps. First, each BS2 has 26
    bytes of RAM available for general purpose storage, so you're not
    going to store 80 bytes/characters in your Stamp's RAM.

    Second, your Stamps may miss part or all of the input from their
    receivers while busy working with their keyboard or LCD.

    Which is not to say that it can't be done. It'll just need a lot of
    thought, creativity and control. Here are some things that may

    Your LCD character display can also serve as "RAM" storage. In
    other words, once they're out there in display data RAM (DDRAM) the
    way you want them you can read the characters back off the LCD and
    then send them over the RF link at your leisure. So that's one
    approach to an 80-character output buffer. (I should say this is
    feasible in general but I don't know if the SEETRON display supports
    the readback function.)

    Further, there are an additional 64 bytes of RAM available in the
    LCD (actually, in the HD44780) as custom character generator RAM
    (CGRAM) storage. These are typically unused and may be available for
    use as an RF link input buffer. Once again, I don't know if the
    SEETRON module will support this capability. I/O to the DDRAM and
    CGRAM would be slow compared to the Stamp's RAM, but fast enough to
    keep up with any typist.

    If you throw in some control features for the RF link, such as some
    simple "don't send until I ask for it" or "take turns" protocol,
    you're getting close to where you want to be.

    Lastly, this project is complicated enough that I'd approach it via
    pseudocode well before trying to write PBASIC code. Could save a lot
    of pulled hair.

  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-03-29 16:09
    Wow, that is an ambitious project. The PAK-VI is set up so that it won't
    send you anything until you are ready (16 byte buffer inside the PAK). So as
    long as you read it once in a while that won't be a problem. However, you
    will have to use the LCD as data storage -- but I don't think the SEETRON
    units allow you to do this. You can't read data back from the LCD unless you
    use a "bare" LCD which takes up at least 6 or 7 I/O pins (you can find an
    example in my Microcontroller Projects with Basic Stamps book).

    The next alternative would be to use some external RAM. The RAM Pack B (from
    Solutions-Cubed) is one idea. If you need math or I/O, the PAK-II to PAK-IV
    have some extra memory onboard.

    If you needed to use the device infrequently, you might consider using the
    Stamp's EEPROM for storage. Be aware however that writing to EEPROM is slow
    and there is some limit to how many times you can write to EEPROM before it
    fails. If you are sending messages 1 or 2 times a day that would be one
    thing. Every minute would be another.

    Since your display is 4x20 here is a "design" idea. Could you limit your
    messages to 40 characters? Then you could "split screen" one half for
    incoming and the other for outgoing. Then you'd send characters as you
    receive them in a packet format. Here is my idea for a packet:

    $AA ## CC

    Where: $AA = hex AA; ## is a serial number between $01-$1F; CC is the
    character ($00-$7F)

    The receiver responds with an ACK which is $80 + ##. If the transmitter
    doesn't respond in a certain amount of time, you send it again. The receiver
    can store expected ## with received ## to guard against multiple receipt (be
    sure to override this for the first character so you can synch with the

    So the code would look something like what I've attached below. This is all
    quasi-code and completely untested.


    Al Williams
    *Connect a PS/2 keyboard or mouse to your microcontroller project at

    first time flag = 1 ' always remember your first time
    pending =0 ' tx pending
    loops = 0 ' loops we have waited for an ack
    expected serial number = 0 ' s/n I expect to see next
    outbound serial number = 1 ' s/n I will send next
    rxserial = 0 ' serial # in from RX
    rxkey = 0 ' key from RX
    pktcount = 0 ' byte of packet I'm reading

    if pending then RX
    Read keyboard
    if no keyboard character then RX
    pending = 1
    loops = 0
    Output $AA + outbound serial number + keyboard character (use pacing)

    read receiver (1 byte)
    If timeout then bottom
    if rxbyte = $AA then pktcount=1 : goto RX
    if rxbyte >= $81 then rxack
    if pktcount=0 then top ' huh?
    if pktcount=1 then rxserial = rxbyte : pktcount = pktcount + 1 : goto RX
    if pktcount<>2 then top
    if first time then rx1
    if rxserial <> expected serial number then top
    expected serial number = (rxserial + 1) & $1F
    if expected serial number = 0 then expected serial number = 1
    first time flag = 0
    write character to LCD
    write rxserial + $80 to TX
    goto top

    if rxbyte<>outbound serial number + $80 then Top ' hmmm... might ought to
    outbound serial number = (outbound serial number + 1) & $1F
    if outbound serial number = 0 then outbound serial number = 1
    pending = 0
    goto top

    if pending=0 then top
    loops = loops + 1
    if loops>=10 then resend ' might adjust 10
    goto top
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-03-29 21:33
    Oh! I totally forgot! I bought 2 RAM Pack B's for this thing a while back.
    Would they hold enough?
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