Serout Not Working when Debug disconnected
I have my BS2pe stamp hooked up on a board where the 4 programing pins (1,2,3,4) are hooked up for programming the stamp. I am also using two I/O pins for the SEROUT and SERIN commands that send messages to another computer running VB. I thus have two serial cables hooked up. When I download my program into the stamp, things run nicely and I get debug statements into my computer and I also get messages from the SEROUT command which goes to another computer which is running a VB program that reads the incoming messages from the SEROUT.
My frustrating problem is this:· When I remove the serial cable from the DB9 connector that connects to the 4 programming pins, the SEROUT commands appear to stop working since my VB program does not get any messages from the stamp . The minute I plug the the stamp·programming cable·back in, the·serout starts working again. What gives???·This problem seems fundamental but I can't figure it out. Do I need to disconnect the ATN pin? ·Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
My frustrating problem is this:· When I remove the serial cable from the DB9 connector that connects to the 4 programming pins, the SEROUT commands appear to stop working since my VB program does not get any messages from the stamp . The minute I plug the the stamp·programming cable·back in, the·serout starts working again. What gives???·This problem seems fundamental but I can't figure it out. Do I need to disconnect the ATN pin? ·Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
on MSCOMM, check property DTREnable and toggle it.
That's all ok