problem "hardware not found"
i have one old BS circuit, its just bigger than the BS1 but the chips are the same,· i mean, it has too· a PIC16C56 and a 93LC56 eprom
it also uses the same STAMP software
but when i turn on says the message "harware not found"
i think it could be a pc conection problem but i dont know how to change it
please someone can help me ??
the manufacturer is i.c & robotics·
it also uses the same STAMP software
but when i turn on says the message "harware not found"
i think it could be a pc conection problem but i dont know how to change it
please someone can help me ??

the manufacturer is i.c & robotics·
Are you using the orignal DOS software?· If so, what version of Windows are you using?· You'll need to make sure that you are using a PC that has straight DOS, meaning Windows 98 or lower.· We do sell an adapter that will work with Windows 98 or higher for $5.00.· Here is a link for more information:··.
Post Edited (Dave Andreae (Parallax)) : 10/6/2004 9:55:55 PM GMT