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Eb500 Bluetooth App MOD — Parallax Forums

Eb500 Bluetooth App MOD

JaviJavi Posts: 8
edited 2004-10-05 14:39 in BASIC Stamp
I´m looking to buy and eb500 module but i have a doubt, and i can´t take the answer int the docs of eb500.

After a connection is established btween PC with DBT-120 and eb500, its possible to send data in both directions???


(connection established by PC)

BS +eb500:

Eb500 is in Data mode.

its possible to do

SEROUT TXpin,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"Hello"]
SERIN RXpin,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]Wait"Hello Recived"] PC sends string "hello Recived"
DEBUG "Connection it´s OK"

Do you thinks it´s possible????

Thanks in advance


  • JonathanJonathan Posts: 1,023
    edited 2004-10-05 14:39

    Yes, that is exactly how it works. It is a seamless two way data stream, obviously only one way at a time.

    The EB500 is a great little unit, I have been very pleased with it indeed. You can see it on the hydrogen powered robot at


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