sculpture project question with a magnetic switch?
this may not be the appropriate forum but it seems like you guys are pretty smart so i'll give it a go
i am using a slot car, the old toys with two strips of metal on a track and wire brushes on the bottom of a car, you pull the tigger and off it goes. basically, when a light sensor is triggered the car will play music as it travels around the track, as the light sensor detects a smaller amount of light, the music will stop and the headlights will turn on. neither the music nor the lights will be on at the same time, either one or the other will always be on. sice the track allready has two contacts, a third contact to control the speaker/music or the lights would be no problem. however the question is...what can i use to switch between the two? I was thinking something hidden below the track like an electromagnet and incorporating a magnetic spdt in the small car. i am not exactly sure how a magnetic spdt works. I am trying to acheive the fewest possible connections...batteries are no good because it will be running all the time and must be maintenance free. any ideas?
i am using a slot car, the old toys with two strips of metal on a track and wire brushes on the bottom of a car, you pull the tigger and off it goes. basically, when a light sensor is triggered the car will play music as it travels around the track, as the light sensor detects a smaller amount of light, the music will stop and the headlights will turn on. neither the music nor the lights will be on at the same time, either one or the other will always be on. sice the track allready has two contacts, a third contact to control the speaker/music or the lights would be no problem. however the question is...what can i use to switch between the two? I was thinking something hidden below the track like an electromagnet and incorporating a magnetic spdt in the small car. i am not exactly sure how a magnetic spdt works. I am trying to acheive the fewest possible connections...batteries are no good because it will be running all the time and must be maintenance free. any ideas?
"They may have computers, and other weapons of mass destruction." - Janet Reno
If the music signal is strong enough, just connect a ceramic capacitor in series to the lines to filter out the DC part and connect it to a small speaker.
As it's supposed to either have lights or play music all the time, use the absense of a music signal to switch on the lights.
(Run the music part through a rectifier. if it outputs a signal, the lights stays off)
The power to the motor and lights must go through a small filter to strip it of the AC music signal. (A small inductance in series and possibly a cap across)
To get you started as far as the music generator, check out this page:
Hope this helps.
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