better 5 volt regualtion
I'm trying to use the·ltc1286 (12 bit adc) to measure a voltage.· On my custom board with a 7805 regulator the output voltage is·7.07vdc.· This is throwing my reading off·some.· Is there a better regulation system i can use for this project.· In total I'm talking about >200 units so calibrating each·board or adc values it not practical.
Open to suggestions
Thanks in advance····
Open to suggestions
Thanks in advance····
If your input didn't over 4.096V. I'd recommend you added LM4040-4.1, 4.096V. reference voltage to Vref.
then made Vref < Vdd ensure valid data entired ranged 0 to Vref (more reliable).
and you also get true 1 bit/1mv. resolution.