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Wireless Camera Ideas — Parallax Forums

Wireless Camera Ideas

Tim M.Tim M. Posts: 26
edited 2004-11-11 18:20 in Robotics
I'm building a small bs2 powered bot, and i would really like to have a small wireless camera on it that would transmit video back to my·computer.· I took apart an old Logitech Quickcam that originally came with my computer.· The case looks pretty much just like an eyeball.· I opened it up, and the camera and board are perfect for the size that i am looking for.· I would love to be able to use this, but i doubt i can, seeing how it is USB.· What are my options for what i am seeking?·
Just to clarify, the BS2 will have nothing to do with the camera, other than pan the servo that it will be mounted on.· I just want to see what it is seeing.· Hopefully someone knows where to find a camera that will work.
Thanks in advance,


  • edited 2004-10-02 17:57
    Hi Tim,

    One idea is an X-10 wireless internet-ready camera.·· The camera is wireless and it includes what you need to get the image into the PC via USB.· Also, you might check out cameras made by D-Link, such as the DCS-900.· It uses WiFi/802.11b to transmit the video back to your computer.

    As for using the Logitech QuickCam, after thinking about it, I don't know.· Sorry.· I posted one thing and realized it was wrong and had to edit this post.


    Kris Magri

    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Kris Magri (Parallax)) : 10/2/2004 6:38:51 PM GMT
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2004-10-02 20:47

    We have a new product coming out in a few days that might be what you need. I have attached very drafty documentation so you can see what it is all about.

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Tim M.Tim M. Posts: 26
    edited 2004-10-03 04:16
    That looks like a great product, but i have a couple questions. I read that real-time video transmission is not possible. That means that i couldn't see what the robot is seeing, just pics of it? Is there a way i could get it to send live video back to my computer? I noticed that your product has a lot of potential for a project that requires image processing, but that's just not really a need for my project. I'm really just looking for video transmission.
    Thanks for posting the documentation and letting everyone know what great new things to expect from you guys at Parallax!
  • Tim M.Tim M. Posts: 26
    edited 2004-10-03 04:25
    I forgot to mention that i checked out the DCS-900 by D-Link. That seems like it would work for me. It only requires 5v to power it. Has anyone ever removed the insides from the case? I don't like the whole idea of having a pre-fabbed camera case stuck on the front of my robot. It doesn't really go along with everything else... [noparse]:)[/noparse]
  • WNedWNed Posts: 157
    edited 2004-10-03 17:13
    A Japanese company named Ajoka ( has a really nice line of wireless "spy" cameras. They're perfect for
    Remotely Piloted Vehicles (RC cars, tanks, planes, etc.), or if you just want to tag along with your robot. They're very small, use a 9v battery and transmit video and audio a good 50 ft. or more with a new battery.
    I hope that points you in the right direction.

    "They may have computers, and other weapons of mass destruction." - Janet Reno
  • WNedWNed Posts: 157
    edited 2004-10-03 17:39
    ·· Hi again,

    ·· I'm sorry I forgot to mention that the Ajoka cameras do not connect directly to a computer. What I do is run the video from the camera's receiver into my Handycam, that way I'm not stuck indoors. If I want to do a computer capture, I can send the video out the firewire port from the Hanycam to my PC for live video on the PC. If you don't have a camcorder, you could look into one of the cheap video capture modules available. A company called Dazzle has that stuff, and can usually be found at Circuit City or of course·I've attached·a picture of a·little RPV I·made from an·rc tank with an X-10 rc pan and tilt base with an ajoka wireless camera on top covered by a plastic dome I·scavenged from·a micro rc car case. The lights for the camera·are two Maglite keychain flashlights.

    ·· Happy Tinkering,

    ·· Ned

    "They may have computers, and other weapons of mass destruction." - Janet Reno
    1024 x 768 - 152K
  • Joseph OsborneJoseph Osborne Posts: 13
    edited 2004-10-11 01:44
    I checked out the Ajoka website but found it difficult to tell what they cost and how to order them. The prices appeared to be $21US but the minimum order quantity was 100 units if I read it correctly.
    Does anyone have any insight into how to get an Ajoka camera & receiver combination quantity one and what the price actually is? I asked for their price list, had to agree to receive spam once a month but could not interpret the price list.
    Joseph Osborne
  • WNedWNed Posts: 157
    edited 2004-10-11 15:30
    Probably the best thing to do, to get the best price, is do a search for "wireless video cameras".
    Good Hunting,

    "They may have computers, and other weapons of mass destruction." - Janet Reno
  • CogburnCogburn Posts: 62
    edited 2004-10-15 17:43
    I really need one of those RoboEye Wireless Vision Sensors.· When are they going to be available? at what cost.

    Showing up to school doesn't·mean you are a student any more than crawling up in an oven means that·you are a biscuit.
  • WNedWNed Posts: 157
    edited 2004-10-16 04:30
    Here's the product listing on the Parallax site:


    "They may have computers, and other weapons of mass destruction." - Janet Reno
  • mikomikemikomike Posts: 1
    edited 2004-11-11 17:28
    Radio Shack sells a small color 9V operated Camera that transmits 326 feet full motion video For $99.99 USD. I have one on my R/C Electric Airplane. The Reciever is attached to my avertv usb card through an rca connection. No Sound is available in the U.S. due to the small size of the camera.

    I use it on my BOE BOT and SUMO Bot for that extra advantage

    2.4 Ghz Made by Swann Security.

    Michael O
  • kelvin jameskelvin james Posts: 531
    edited 2004-11-11 18:20
    Try ebay, many to choose from and cheap, don't know if there any that run on anything less than 9V. be sure to check sellers rating. kelvin
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