How to use StampDAQ?
Hello.· Does anyone know how to use the StampDAQ?
I downloaded the program, and hooked up my BS2 to my PC running Excel 97.· Nothing.
I tried to hook to hyperterminal.· Nothing.
Any idea?
I've cut & pasted the program here for easy reference.· The BS2 just spits out data.· So how do I configure Excel to receive data at this rate?
X··· VAR··· Byte·· 'Variable to represent data
sPin··· CON··· 16·· 'Serial Pin - P16, Programming port
Baud··· CON··· 84·· 'Baud mode for a rate of 9600, 8-N-1
········ 'BS2P, BS2SX use 240 for 9600, 8-N-1
PAUSE 1000····· 'Allow data communications to stabilize
SEROUT sPin,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]CR]·· 'Send a lone CR to ensure StampDAQ buffer is ready
SEROUT sPin,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]CR,"LABEL,TIME, X, SIN X",CR]·· 'Label 3 columns with TIME, X, and SIN X
SEROUT sPin,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"CLEARDATA",CR]····· 'Clear all data columns (A-J) in Excel
· FOR X = 0 TO 255·· 'Count from 0 to 255
········ 'Send String with data for Excel
···· SEROUT sPin,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"DATA,TIME,", DEC X, ",", SDEC SIN X,CR]
· PAUSE 1000····· '1 second wait before starting again
I downloaded the program, and hooked up my BS2 to my PC running Excel 97.· Nothing.
I tried to hook to hyperterminal.· Nothing.
Any idea?
I've cut & pasted the program here for easy reference.· The BS2 just spits out data.· So how do I configure Excel to receive data at this rate?
X··· VAR··· Byte·· 'Variable to represent data
sPin··· CON··· 16·· 'Serial Pin - P16, Programming port
Baud··· CON··· 84·· 'Baud mode for a rate of 9600, 8-N-1
········ 'BS2P, BS2SX use 240 for 9600, 8-N-1
PAUSE 1000····· 'Allow data communications to stabilize
SEROUT sPin,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]CR]·· 'Send a lone CR to ensure StampDAQ buffer is ready
SEROUT sPin,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]CR,"LABEL,TIME, X, SIN X",CR]·· 'Label 3 columns with TIME, X, and SIN X
SEROUT sPin,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"CLEARDATA",CR]····· 'Clear all data columns (A-J) in Excel
· FOR X = 0 TO 255·· 'Count from 0 to 255
········ 'Send String with data for Excel
···· SEROUT sPin,Baud,[noparse][[/noparse]"DATA,TIME,", DEC X, ",", SDEC SIN X,CR]
· PAUSE 1000····· '1 second wait before starting again
I sure hope I didn't confuse anybody besides myself!!