·· Since you mentioned "Source Code" I will elaborate on Sid's reply a bit...The Source Code resides on your computer only.· It's not downloaded into the BASIC Stamp, but rather compiled into tokens, which the BS2 interprets.· So your source is safe.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Chris Savage
Knight Designs 324 West Main Street P.O. Box 97 Montour Falls, NY 14865 (607) 535-6777
A late reply I know, but I've only just joined the forum, Only the tokenised version of the actual source·is stored on the stamp, however the tokens can be read from the EEPROM on the stamp with a little effort, and with a bit more effort could be reverse enginered back to something very close to your source (original variable names would be lost and replaced be arbitary ones).
If you want to make certain no one does just that, cover the EEPROM in a big glob of epoxy...
If they want to try reading it, they'll then have to remove the epoxy first, and not only running the risk of destroying the EEPROM, but they will also leave evidence of the attempt.
For really secure code, you have to switch to the Ubicom SX. It has a scrabble feature that may be enabled. While you are developing and want to debug your code, you leave the feature off. This allows you to single step the microprocessor and observe bugs.
But once you have completed your project, you may turn on a flag that scrabbles any and all attempt to read the on-chip eeprom.
Switching to an SX wouldn't help here, the tokenised code on a BS2P·is stored on an external I2C EEPROM plus changing the SMT processor is not for the faint hearted!
I don't think Kramer meant to replace the PIC on the stamp with an SX. He meant to use the SX development kit. The SX has built-in flash memory and and "code-protect" flag.
Of course if someone is REALLY desperate to get the out a protected SX they still can, but it is much harder.
Sid Weaver
Try the Stamp Tester
·· Since you mentioned "Source Code" I will elaborate on Sid's reply a bit...The Source Code resides on your computer only.· It's not downloaded into the BASIC Stamp, but rather compiled into tokens, which the BS2 interprets.· So your source is safe.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
Business Page:·· http://www.knightdesigns.com
Personal Page:··· http://www.lightlink.com/dream/chris
Designs Page:··· http://www.lightlink.com/dream/designs
If they want to try reading it, they'll then have to remove the epoxy first, and not only running the risk of destroying the EEPROM, but they will also leave evidence of the attempt.
But once you have completed your project, you may turn on a flag that scrabbles any and all attempt to read the on-chip eeprom.
Is that what you desire?
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Of course if someone is REALLY desperate to get the out a protected SX they still can, but it is much harder.