DS1307 Woes
This is nuts.
Can anyone tell me why the DS1307 doesn't oscillate even·WITH the Parallax 32.7K crystals?
Is it NOT supposed to clock up without a command or something?
I am using a high quality scope with a high impedance probe and·am seeing·nothing but a steady·2.5 volts on Pin 2.· I see near ground on Pin 1.·· All the while, Jon's BS2 program is trying to read from it, faithfully sending on the SDA and SCL pins.
I am using a solderless project board, but to eliminate capacitance issues with that board, i soldered the crystals leads directly to the pins of the DS1307 and cut them short.··
Thanks to anyone who can help.
Can anyone tell me why the DS1307 doesn't oscillate even·WITH the Parallax 32.7K crystals?
Is it NOT supposed to clock up without a command or something?
I am using a high quality scope with a high impedance probe and·am seeing·nothing but a steady·2.5 volts on Pin 2.· I see near ground on Pin 1.·· All the while, Jon's BS2 program is trying to read from it, faithfully sending on the SDA and SCL pins.
I am using a solderless project board, but to eliminate capacitance issues with that board, i soldered the crystals leads directly to the pins of the DS1307 and cut them short.··
Thanks to anyone who can help.
I did a quick check at Digi-Key and find that the following part numbers seem to match the requirement: 300-1001-ND, 300-1002-ND, 300-1003-ND
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
I didnt want to use the 1302 because of that dumb reset line, tying up another port pin.
Thanks. I'll order some 12 pf crystals and see iof that works.
BTW, I'm a regular at Tanner's. Been trading with his family for 25 years... Good people
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Post Edited (Jon Williams) : 9/21/2004 2:41:17 AM GMT
But using any RTC IC seems like overkill. I dont need leap-Year management... I dont need days of week. I'm just interested in a reliable 86,400 second per 24 hour period.
Can't this be done with JUST a Stamp ?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
I received recently from Parallax (maybe a month ago) 5 DS1307, and 5 crystals.
I did not try them yet as being tied up in an other project.
What it is the final answer to the post?
Do I have to return the crystals back and buy them from an other source, or the issue is resolved on Parallax side?
From what I read here, it looks like they are not compatible.
Can anyone guide me what to do to avoid wasting time when I will use them , and make them work from start?
Thank you
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Just a satisfied customer.
If a man says something in the forest and there is now woman to hear him...Is he still wrong?
It was a crystal issue, the new ones arrived and all is working well now.
Anyone in the market for a handful of useless 23Khz watch crystals? *joking*
However, one thing that might be useful for you if you are building a clock in software without a RTC is that, certainly here in the UK, our electricity companies keep the mains frequency such that it averages 50 Hertz over both medium and long periods of time. Despite what you think when averaged over a day you get exactly 50Hz and if not they will slightly raise or lower the frequency. I don't know if the same is true in your area but if so then you could use the 50Hz (60Hz in the USA) mains frequency to keep your clock on time. It basically results in a self correcting clock that will slowly make up or lose any time necessary to keep it right.
Have no experience of the stamp as yet so can't say how to implement it in software as I don't think the stamps do interupts but I think they can count pulses so it should be easy enough to step the mains down and square it off, you might not even need to square it off but I'm sure the experts could keep you right on that.
The DS1302 (or DS1307, for that matter) IS an *RTC* chip, as you put it. And it sounds like the OP for this post wants a battery driven solution. Note the 1302 can run for a year on a CR2032 coin cell (I believe).
But thanks for the input, it is a good idea.