Record Data from many basic stamp 2 to one PC
Dear Everyone
First if all, i'd like thanks for helping me.
I wanna ask about:
1. How to send data to 1 PC for storing data with the write code at certain of memory location at the basic stamp2 which is data is stored at one location to the other sequential location that we want to send.
2. If the data had already sent, how to send the rest of data in memory location after the last data had been sent to the 1 PC.
3. At the PC side, how to access many basic stamp 2 microcontrollers (for example 2) with visual basic 6 program and how to recoqnize request from 1 PC at BS2.

First if all, i'd like thanks for helping me.
I wanna ask about:
1. How to send data to 1 PC for storing data with the write code at certain of memory location at the basic stamp2 which is data is stored at one location to the other sequential location that we want to send.
2. If the data had already sent, how to send the rest of data in memory location after the last data had been sent to the 1 PC.
3. At the PC side, how to access many basic stamp 2 microcontrollers (for example 2) with visual basic 6 program and how to recoqnize request from 1 PC at BS2.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
I think polling the Bsic Stamps will be much easier. In that case you have the PC calling ech of the Stamps, one at the time, and ask for the latest data. So in effect the PC will be the master and the Stamps the slaves.
This way you have no conflicts when two Stamps try to connect to the PC.
From the hardware side you normally have two independent serial ports, sometimes four. You could overcome this problem by using relays controlled by the PC. But I'm sure tere is a better, more elegant way to do this.
These are my first idea's, maybe more at a later time
1. At the Basic Stamp2, how to send storing data in EEPROM at range of memory location. The data is stored at one location to the other sequential location using write code.
2. If the data had already sent, how to send the rest of data in memory location after the last data had been sent to the PC.
For Example: I had store the data at location 00-08 and then I want to send data at location 00-03 to PC. How I can do that? If the data at 00-03 had been sent to the PC, how to send the rest data (04-08).
Look at the piece of code below. It is a loop where the Stamp waits for the right command fom the PC and then fetches and sends a block of data of size SIZE to the PC.
Work with blocks of data, do not make it too difficult for yourself by trying to send some bytes here and then a byte from overthere. It is not going to work that way.
I have this type of code running on a couple of Stamps and I can have 2 running simultaneously. One on COM 1 and one on COM 2. They handle quite large amound of data (up to 30 kBytes), no conflicts !!
I hope this helps a bit,
Declarations etc
SERIN Tx,BAUD,TimeOut,LBL,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT("S"),CommandByte]
IF CommandByte= something THEN GOSUB ReadAndSendData
ELSEIF CommandByte= somethingelse THEN GOSUB somethingelse
GOTO LabelStart
FOR idx=0 TO SIZE-1
SEROUT PC,BAUD,[noparse][[/noparse]DEC UniByte," ",DEC ByteVar," "]