ir circuit
could someone help me! i have to build a ir circuit driven by bs2 to controll a tv. which circuit should i use to transmit the signal and should i train the control signal or learn what they are and generate them from code. thanks for your hel;p
Please don't cross-post your messages - it results in redundant effort from people who wish to help you out. Here is a start:
Download our new infrared remote control educational text.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Well it seems I am getting the same error messages. It's not the fault of the local computer. Its the fault of the fact that the Internet can't find the server. I might also add that the forums server might be taking a break.
Buck Rogers
Rusty Haddock = KD4WLZ =
**Out yonder in the Van Alstyne (TX) Metropolitan Area**
Microsoft is to software what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking
and it worked just fine -- remove the "default.aspx/"
Rusty Haddock = KD4WLZ =
**Out yonder in the Van Alstyne (TX) Metropolitan Area**
Microsoft is to software what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking
Should be forums not forum.
Then the original link will work.
Rohan Hamer
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
There are MANY protocols used in IR remote controls.· They are built out of some basics.
Most TV's have an IR demodulator built-in, which is sensitive to a 38Khz to 42 Khz signal.· When it sees a 'pulse' of this frequency, it outputs a 0.· When the signal goes away, it outputs a 1.· You can easily get one of these three-terminal devices from Parallax or Radio-Shack -- 38Khz or 40 Khz work well.
1.· The typical 'pulse' signal is a 36Khz or 38Khz or 40 Khz or 42 Khz signal for some short period of time.· This can be generated by the BS2 with a 'pulsout IRPIN, 36000'.· You drive·a simple IR-LED (with current limiting resistor) with this signal.· The 'pulsout' signal does not actually generate the proper square wave -- but the harmonics in the signal will trigger the IR-Demodulator anyway.
2.· Now, the protocols specify what makes a 'start' pulse, how long a '1' and a '0' time should be, if a '0' is the presence or absence of the 'pulse',·how many bits there are in a complete 'message', and if a 'message' is send once or many times.
The IR-Buddy 'speaks' the Phillips RC-5 protocol, so if your TV was a Phillips the IR-Buddy could control it.
The Sony protocol can be generated by a BS2.· Many protocols cannot be generated by the BS2, because of tighter timing constraints.· You might 'google' the brand of TV you have· + "IR" to find out if the IR-protocol has been published, and what it is.
3.· The 'Trainable' remotes record the bit-patterns (sent from an existing remote that works).· It would be MUCH easier for you to program the BS2 to generate a message, than to try to create a 'trainable' remote out of a BS2.
>·pulse coded or in other words low for 1.2ms (for logic 1) or .6 ms (logic 0)
> and then goes high for .6 ms > and this process repeats until the
> whole control 'word' has been sent
OK, so FREQOUT is:
FREQOUT IRPin, <Duration>, <Freq>
Now, Duration is in milli-seconds for a BS2, so you can't use a BS2 to·generate Sony bits.
Duration is in 400 uSec steps for a BS2sx, so you can use that.
FREQOUT IRPin, 3, 32000 -- This will send a '1' for 1.2 msec on the SX
PULSOUT PausePin, 1····· -- This will delay for .8 uSec (close enough?· try it).
FREQOUT IRPin, 2, 32000 -- Hopefully this will send a short-enough pulse to be recognized
PULSOUT PausePin, 1
Well, that's the approach, anyway.· As Jon has said, the BS2sx timing may not work for the Sony protocol.· Parallax makes an IR lab kit, but it uses 1 and 2 mSec pulse widths, which work great if you are talking from a BOE to a BOE.
Use a 555 timer to generate the IR requency.· Apply it to the positive lead of your IR LED.· Connect the negative lead of the IR LED to the collector of a 2N2222A or equivalent.· Now you can apply a positive-going pulsout of any duration in 2us increments to the base of the transistor and generate very precise IR pulses that will meet the Sony protocol.
You could also use a second Stamp to generate the IR frequency if you have one.
Sid Weaver
Try the Stamp Tester
The BS2 requires about 250us to execute an instruction so if you wanted to "kill" 600us you could write:
pulsout deadpin, 175
175 = 350us plus execution time would give you very close to 600us.
Sid Weaver
Try the Stamp Tester
Why is the IR Buddy showing as "limited supply"? Will it be discontinued?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
for a control 1:
a logic 0 for 600 us(?) followed by a logic 1 for 1200us(accomplished by pulsout irpin, 600)
for a control 0:
a logic 0 for 600 us(?) followed by a logic 1 for 600us(accomplished by pulsout irpin, 300)
what code genrates a logic zero for the required 600us, maybe inserting two "time sucking instructions" like arithmatic to some dummy variable taking 250us each maybe close enough to 600us