Has anyone tried using the CMUcam with the javlin stamp? If so does is take any extra code interfacing with it beyond what is·needed for the BS2?
Has anyone tried using the CMUcam with the javlin stamp? If so does is take any extra code interfacing with it beyond what is·needed for the BS2?
Yeah I have been using it. I have so-far got the sv (move servo) commands to work via the TTL serial. I am using the following UART declarations, and have connected via the two pins via 220ohm resisters, and a TTL ground. I have not used the 5volt TTL power as it seems to cause power issues.
// CU-CM2 CAM UARTS (PIN7 (IN), and PIN8 (OUT)
static Uart CUCM2RX = new Uart(Uart.dirReceive,CPU.pin7,Uart.dontInvert,Uart.speed38400,Uart.stop2);
static Uart CUCM2TX = new Uart(Uart.dirTransmit,CPU.pin8,Uart.dontInvert,Uart.speed38400,Uart.stop1);
Not got onto anything more complicated yet!