GuiBot & HiTec Servos
I have built a sort of a BoeBot using two HiTec HS-300 servos that I hacked myself. When I use GuiBot to run it the servos turn backwards. Why is this? Can I change the rotation direction from within GuiBot?
Joseph Osborne
PS- GuiBot is a wonderful tool for Middle School classroom use. I would love to see its capabilities expanded.
Joseph Osborne
PS- GuiBot is a wonderful tool for Middle School classroom use. I would love to see its capabilities expanded.
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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· I maybe should've clarified...I have seen two BOE-Bots put together where the user was unaware of the connections for left/right servos, and thus had them backward, making the servos both turn backward.
·· To save you undo messing around, I should've asked if you can control the left/right servos independently, so that when you control just the left servo, it turns, even if not the right direction.
·· In my examples above, the test code for each independent wheel turned the opposite side, which turned it the wrong way as well...That is a sign of reversed connections.· I apologize for typing without thinking/clarifying...
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
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Or is there a bug in GuiBot?
Joseph Osborne
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
324 West Main Street
P.O. Box 97
Montour Falls, NY 14865
(607) 535-6777
Business Page:··
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These servos worked fine with the BoeBot Maze Rover program. The bot behaved as expected. But the GuiBot program is giving trouble. I wish there were a 'switch dirrection' switch like on the back of a transmitter.
Do the Parallax tech people monitor this forum or do I need to contact them directly?
Joseph Osborne
Slow loading pdf i found after a google search:
"Servo reversing is accomplished by reversing the power wires to the motor and by reversing the two outer leads on the potentiometer."
Taken from:
Post Edited (Jonny555) : 9/18/2004 4:34:26 AM GMT
I have reversed the motor leads and the bot works OK, at least in Basic mode. I just don't think I should have to do that just because I am using HiTec rather than Futaba servos.
Joseph Osborne
The mystery deepens...
I'm very surprised that no-one from Parallax has weighed in on this.
As far as I know the only exception is airtronics brand equipment, some of their stuff is reverse polarity. IE rather than the wire order being "ground, hot, signal" it is "hot, ground, signal".
Your problem is probobly just caused by a simple software error, not by the choice of brand.