Restart the javelin module
Is there a possibility to restart the javelin module from the application itself?
May be I'm paranoid? Or too much used to the ms platform? But can I really trust my application running for months or may be years, without a restart?
May be I'm paranoid? Or too much used to the ms platform? But can I really trust my application running for months or may be years, without a restart?
The big thing that takes little computer systems down (like the BS2 and Javelin) is electrical noise.· Noise on the power supply lines, or RF noise from the air, makes life very difficult.· Sufficient capacitance on the voltage lines, and electrical shielding ( a grounded metal box around your circuit ) help to reduce or eliminate this.
Connect a 10k resistor from the pin to +5V.
Connect the pin to the reset pin.
At powerup/reset the pin will be an input·so this does not disturb
the reset circuitry.
In your application make the pin a low output. The javelin will
reset immediately then. (this makes the pin back an input)
To time the running application you can use the SoftRTC· class by
Jon Williams or the SoftwareRTC class by me.
regards peter
Regards, Christian
To keep longer times, timeout in say an hour and increment
an int, this gives you 65536 hours before overflow.
If you want to ensure the javelin keeps running,
put an external watchdog in your circuitry. Once the javelin
stops running or if you decide not to reset the watchdog,
the watchdog will timeout and will reset the javelin by means
of a low active pin connected to the javelin reset pin.
regards peter
Do you have more information about designing a watchdog?
Regards Christian
I have written a class for the X1227 as I used it once.
Or check the Maxim MAX690 chip. This is useful for long timeouts:
regards peter
Post Edited (Peter Verkaik) : 9/16/2004 12:57:15 PM GMT