PBasic Colon ":" quesitons
Sorry, but I havent' been able to find the answer to this question in the PBasic manual -
1) What does the colon do in the following line of code?
idx = 6 : fldWidth = 2
I assume that it is the equivalent of a "new line" command, and that it is inserted in this code (N&V #103 Jon Williams) to make the code more readable.· Again, I can't find a reference to this usage.· Any comments?
2) When labels are used in PBaisc they are typically followed by a colon· (i.e. "Label:").· The question, "Is this colon just stylistic, or does it signal something to the PBasic Interpreter / Compiler?"
Thanks in advance for any help.
Bob Jacoby
Drying Out in Florida
1) What does the colon do in the following line of code?
idx = 6 : fldWidth = 2
I assume that it is the equivalent of a "new line" command, and that it is inserted in this code (N&V #103 Jon Williams) to make the code more readable.· Again, I can't find a reference to this usage.· Any comments?
2) When labels are used in PBaisc they are typically followed by a colon· (i.e. "Label:").· The question, "Is this colon just stylistic, or does it signal something to the PBasic Interpreter / Compiler?"
Thanks in advance for any help.
Bob Jacoby
Drying Out in Florida
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
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Montour Falls, NY 14865
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Sid Weaver
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