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How to display potentiometer's value on Serial LCD via BS2 ? — Parallax Forums

How to display potentiometer's value on Serial LCD via BS2 ?

sckamsckam Posts: 27
edited 2004-09-11 00:45 in BASIC Stamp
Dear all,
I have a analogue signal (a few mV) vary by a variable
resistor (potentiometer) go into LM358 Op-Amp.
The outputsignal from LM358 will go to input of
analogue to digital converter ADC0832CCN.
Then the output from ADC0832CCN will go to BS2 before go into the 2X16 Serial LCD(BPK-216 from Scott Edward).

1.Any ideal how is the wiring ?·as I have done the schematic design(in Protel99SE), just want to confirm.
2.How is the BS2 Code should be ?

warm regards.

Thank you.

Warm regards.
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