Triac & Solid State Relays
Ok I have multiple questions. So here goes...
1.· Triac vs SSR? Why use one over the other? Pros & Cons?
2.· Can SSR's take the abuse of frequent switching? Says rates of once per second or maybe even once per half a second? What about Triac's?
3.· How would I interface either device to a stamp?
I've seem some circuits with Triac's that use a...
Output ---> Optical Isolator ---> Transistor ---> Triac
connection scheme.· Would this be the best way to connect a triac?
I've heard the SSR's are already optically isolated so·SSR's can be interfaced directly to the stamp, is this true?
... and so ends the 10 million questions... ok not quite but there's plenty [noparse]:)[/noparse] If your wonder what I'm building, it's a light controller that will control 110V AC lights that are up to 100 Watts (though most likely will be 50 Watts or less). Think of a string of chasing xmas lights to get an idea of what I'm doing.
Any help is greatly appreciated...
1.· Triac vs SSR? Why use one over the other? Pros & Cons?
2.· Can SSR's take the abuse of frequent switching? Says rates of once per second or maybe even once per half a second? What about Triac's?
3.· How would I interface either device to a stamp?
I've seem some circuits with Triac's that use a...
Output ---> Optical Isolator ---> Transistor ---> Triac
connection scheme.· Would this be the best way to connect a triac?
I've heard the SSR's are already optically isolated so·SSR's can be interfaced directly to the stamp, is this true?
... and so ends the 10 million questions... ok not quite but there's plenty [noparse]:)[/noparse] If your wonder what I'm building, it's a light controller that will control 110V AC lights that are up to 100 Watts (though most likely will be 50 Watts or less). Think of a string of chasing xmas lights to get an idea of what I'm doing.
Any help is greatly appreciated...
1. With an SSR you get the package deal, and with a triac, you get the do-it-yourself deal. Get the one that matches your requirements.
2. SSRs can be switched fast, but latency becomes an larger issue as the switching speed increases. I would guess that latency is not a problem in your application.
3. The best way to connect a triac depends on your requirements. I recommend optoisolation when loads exceed the STAMP Vcc voltage.
4. Different SSRs have different input impedances. Some SSRs can be interfaced directly to the STAMP, and the number of SSRs that a STAMP can drive depends on the specs. If the specs are not known, use a transistor to drive the SSR.
For your application, I would recommend optical isolation. It's up to you to make the buy vs build decision.
I was so focused on optical isolation that I may have missed an important point. The output of an SSR is NOT necessarily triac, it may be a triac, SCR or transistor. The output may be suitable for resistive, inductive, capacitive, AC or DC loads, depending on the SSR specs. Ya gotta know the specs!
You said the SSRs could be switched fast but latency would become an issue at higher speeds.· What type of speeds would·the latency start becoming an issues?· As I have no plans to exceed 10Hz considering for most light·controllers that’s·fairly rapid.
But... maybe I don't really need to do that considering the long lag reaction time of filament bulbs. Rather I could just provide some on-off output with varying degrees of on and off but with a cycle much greater than the 120 hz of 1/2 cycle AC.
Any thought from anyone?