LED Display driver??? (Newbie)
Brian Miller
Posts: 25
Ok, I'm using (trying too)·a http://www.micrel.com/_PDF/mm5450.pdf·LED display driver.
I have everything wired right according to the diagram in the datasheet.
pin1 = Vss (-5 right?)
pin20 = Vdd (+5 right?)
pin1-8 = a, b, c, d, e, f, g, dp (LED display on my NX-1000 24/40)
pin23-26 =·1, 2, 3, 4·(Common cathode)
pin19 = 10k Variable (with cap)
pin 21 = Main IO pin 14 (clock)
pin 22 = Main IO pin 15 (data)
Now according to the data sheet, you should be able to send 36 bits to this think with the first bit = 1. After it receives the last bit of 36 it should latch right. Please note that the 5450 does not have a "Data Enable", it is a 35 bit instead on pin 23.
Here is the code, that should turn all of them on right??
' {$STAMP BS2p}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
Dpin····· CON·· 15
Clock···· CON·· 14
··· SHIFTOUT Dpin, Clock, FSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]255, 255, 255, 255]
I have everything wired right according to the diagram in the datasheet.
pin1 = Vss (-5 right?)
pin20 = Vdd (+5 right?)
pin1-8 = a, b, c, d, e, f, g, dp (LED display on my NX-1000 24/40)
pin23-26 =·1, 2, 3, 4·(Common cathode)
pin19 = 10k Variable (with cap)
pin 21 = Main IO pin 14 (clock)
pin 22 = Main IO pin 15 (data)
Now according to the data sheet, you should be able to send 36 bits to this think with the first bit = 1. After it receives the last bit of 36 it should latch right. Please note that the 5450 does not have a "Data Enable", it is a 35 bit instead on pin 23.
Here is the code, that should turn all of them on right??
' {$STAMP BS2p}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
Dpin····· CON·· 15
Clock···· CON·· 14
··· SHIFTOUT Dpin, Clock, FSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]255, 255, 255, 255]
This would send 36 bits high, but it would technically be sending 40 bits.
SHIFTOUT Dpin, Clock, FSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]15, 255, 255, 255, 255]
But it still doesn't appear to be working. I'll keep messing with it.
Newbie, using the NX-1000 24/40 Board with a BS2p40
The first "1\1" sends the start bit.· The next four bytes, dsp0 - dsp3, send outputs 1 - 32 (output 1 is disp0.BIT0, output 8 is dsp1.BIT0, etc.).· The final nib, dsp4, sends outputs 33 - 35.· The final "1\1" is the latch bit.· Note that SHIFTOUT defaults to sending eight bits for any variable/value specified.· By using the \bits modifier, we can tweak SHIFTOUT to deal with awkward parts like this.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Newbie, using the NX-1000 24/40 Board with a BS2p40
What is the LOW Enable/High Enable for? Is that for the Data Enable pin? or should I be setting the data pin High and Low?
I tried that out and I still have nothing.
Newbie, using the NX-1000 24/40 Board with a BS2p40
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
I'll keep playing with it and let you know if I find anything. I think I might try some other display drivers. I would use the Max7219 but I'm really looking for a learning experience with a device that is not served up on a platter for me [noparse]:)[/noparse] So far I have learned alot from this.
Thanks again!
Newbie, using the NX-1000 24/40 Board with a BS2p40