i have been using the redi for months now to serve up xml for our sql server. It's pretty good, although I have had some issues posting data from a web page.
I'm curious about the issues you experienced with posting data from a web page. Could you explain? Was it a firmware problem, ease of use, understanding, or? Let us know so we can make improvements to the firmware or the documentation, whichever was the source of the problem.
I have noticed two issues (wihch hasn't stopped me from ordering 12 more of the redi a few days ago).
First, the first POST to the web server often takes a while to be noticed. I check the post variable every 300ms or so. The first post usually takes 4-5 seconds before it's noticed by my program. I could click submit right when everything comes up, or wait a few minutes. It doesn't make a difference. On the other hand, every post thereafter is noticed right away. I'm fairly certain it's not my code, but I'd be happy to post some sections here if you think it would help.
These results have been found in a lab environment. That is, a single ip network (192.168.1.x). Our corporate network is set up a little differently. Each of our locations uses a 192.168.x.y network (x being the location number). At our corporate headquarters, we use 172.18.x.x. Anyhow, deploying our monitoring system to a location works great in that anyone anywhere on the network can see the redi and get data from it. However, when I click submit in this network environment, the submit never finishes. It hangs for about a minute and then gives me an error. This happens if I use a computer that's on the same switch as the redi, or a computer that's on another network entirely. When moving the redi from lab to production, I do make sure that it is readdressed properly.
Any thoughts you have on those two things would be greatly appreciated.
There are a couple of improvements that I would like to see at some point. One that comes to mind is:
Let's have the ability to set up and program the redi via the ethernet port. It would be great to be able to upload changed pages to the device without having to physically visit it.
Again, any thoughts you have or help you could give would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry to keep posting. Here's the error I finally receive when attempting to post. I should point out that even though it says "no url" in the message, the page it's trying to open before the error comes up is, which definately does exist.
The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL: [noparse][[/noparse]no URL]
The following error was encountered:
Read Timeout
The system returned:
[noparse][[/noparse]No Error]A Timeout occurred while waiting to read data from the network. The network or server may be down or congested. Please retry your request.
Your cache administrator is webmaster.
Generated Wed, 19 Jan 2005 13:56:42 GMT by Delta-Proxy.deltasoniccarwash.com (squid/2.5.STABLE6)
Hi Chris,
On the subject of writing new pages through the ethernet port:
You can post messages to the redi, the javelin can retrieve those
messages, the javelin can write a new page to the redi.
Suppose you were to post an identifiable message holding a Intel hex line
(which has an integrated checksum). A number of these messages can
be stored in external memory (eeprom) or buffer until a full page is
received. Then the javelin can write a new page.
Just curious, did you use my redi class (now located at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JavelinCode/files/Javelin%20Stamp%20IDE/lib/stamp/peripheral/web/redi/
or did you write your own. Please feel free to post any class you like
to share to group JavelinCode.
Thanks for the pointers. Until now I didn't know you had written a class for the redi. I did not write one. My interfacing is minimal and I didn't see a need, but I will check out what you have done.
Any thoughts on my issue (mentioned above) with posting and post-post timeouts?
I received a red-i webserver some weeks ago and wrote a class
for it. This class can be found here:
Mind you, I haven't tested that class (and this applies to my red-i also)
but as it strictly follows the manual description for Basic Stamp,
it should be ok. At least it gives an idea how the RedI could be used.
When I have some time to spare I may hook up my RedI device.
Currently my demoboard is engaged in another project.
regards peter
I'm curious about the issues you experienced with posting data from a web page. Could you explain? Was it a firmware problem, ease of use, understanding, or? Let us know so we can make improvements to the firmware or the documentation, whichever was the source of the problem.
I have noticed two issues (wihch hasn't stopped me from ordering 12 more of the redi a few days ago).
First, the first POST to the web server often takes a while to be noticed. I check the post variable every 300ms or so. The first post usually takes 4-5 seconds before it's noticed by my program. I could click submit right when everything comes up, or wait a few minutes. It doesn't make a difference. On the other hand, every post thereafter is noticed right away. I'm fairly certain it's not my code, but I'd be happy to post some sections here if you think it would help.
These results have been found in a lab environment. That is, a single ip network (192.168.1.x). Our corporate network is set up a little differently. Each of our locations uses a 192.168.x.y network (x being the location number). At our corporate headquarters, we use 172.18.x.x. Anyhow, deploying our monitoring system to a location works great in that anyone anywhere on the network can see the redi and get data from it. However, when I click submit in this network environment, the submit never finishes. It hangs for about a minute and then gives me an error. This happens if I use a computer that's on the same switch as the redi, or a computer that's on another network entirely. When moving the redi from lab to production, I do make sure that it is readdressed properly.
Any thoughts you have on those two things would be greatly appreciated.
There are a couple of improvements that I would like to see at some point. One that comes to mind is:
Let's have the ability to set up and program the redi via the ethernet port. It would be great to be able to upload changed pages to the device without having to physically visit it.
Again, any thoughts you have or help you could give would be greatly appreciated.
The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL: [noparse][[/noparse]no URL]
The following error was encountered:
Read Timeout
The system returned:
[noparse][[/noparse]No Error]A Timeout occurred while waiting to read data from the network. The network or server may be down or congested. Please retry your request.
Your cache administrator is webmaster.
Generated Wed, 19 Jan 2005 13:56:42 GMT by Delta-Proxy.deltasoniccarwash.com (squid/2.5.STABLE6)
On the subject of writing new pages through the ethernet port:
You can post messages to the redi, the javelin can retrieve those
messages, the javelin can write a new page to the redi.
Suppose you were to post an identifiable message holding a Intel hex line
(which has an integrated checksum). A number of these messages can
be stored in external memory (eeprom) or buffer until a full page is
received. Then the javelin can write a new page.
Just curious, did you use my redi class (now located at
or did you write your own. Please feel free to post any class you like
to share to group JavelinCode.
regards peter
Thanks for the pointers. Until now I didn't know you had written a class for the redi. I did not write one. My interfacing is minimal and I didn't see a need, but I will check out what you have done.
Any thoughts on my issue (mentioned above) with posting and post-post timeouts?
I have no clue whatsoever on the post issue as I have not used
the· red-I.
I wrote my class just by reading the red-I manual.
regards peter
Thanks for your help. I took a look at your class and will try it out over the weekend. I'll let you know if I find anything strange.
THanks again