Voltage and current monitoring
I am planning a programable battery charger with a motorized variac.· The variac is rated 0-180v and 20 amps, so I need to be able to monitor both the voltage and current at these levels and make decisions in the software to change the position of the variac to fit the battery profile.· Any good suggestions for parts and methods for collecting the voltage and current data?· Once I have that figured out I don't think the code part will be too hard.
It will be far more easy, and safe for you and your Stamp, to monitor voltage and current at a lower level. AND isolated from the mains !!!
If you are on this lower level of say 0-20V and 0-1.5 Amp there are more ways to regulate voltage or current. In one of my applications I use a LM317T to do this job to charge NiMh batteries.
But consider to use a current coil to pick up the Amps signal and some optocoupler device for the voltage.
Remember that a variac is directly connected to the mains. It is realy more safe to insulate your Stamp and the PC (and yourself) from the mains power supply.
Current transformers will work on the AC side of the charger..but not on the DC side. You could uses a precision 'shunt' resistor of say .1 ohm to determine the DC current by measuring the voltage drop acrossed it. I have been able to measure up to 90VDC using an RC type circuit. (the 90 volts never gets to the stamp, btw) The measurements were a bit erratic tho. I would suggest using a 40:1 voltage divider to step the DC voltage down to a reasonable 0-5v range then apply that to the (much smaller) capacitor and the stamp.