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What’s the next step?

ChristianGChristianG Posts: 29
edited 2004-09-14 07:21 in General Discussion
The javelin starter kit is great!
I’ve made a weatherstation, reading windspeed, direction, temperature, and sending data to the internet through a gprs-modem.
What should I do if I want to make a product of it? The starter-kit has everything I need, except that the beadboard is aimed for prototyping circuits. Witch board should I use to make a product? I had a look at the “Super Carrier Board” witch is quiet similar, but it is missing some components from the starter-kit. In example the Com port level shifter (from +-12v to 0-5 v) is missing. My question is: should I use the “Super Carrier Board” and make my own comport level shifter? Should I use another board? Or could I use the demo-kit, detach the breadboard and solder my circuits on it?···
Regards Christian

Post Edited (ChristianG) : 9/6/2004 7:37:10 PM GMT


  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2004-09-03 22:22
    If you're going to make a product, you might consider a custom board so that you get exactly what the product needs, organized in a manner that is best for the target product.

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas Office
  • ChristianGChristianG Posts: 29
    edited 2004-09-06 19:54

    Thank you, at least I have a schema of how it should be, and I could always draw it in AutoCAD. I just need to improve my knowledge in making custom boards. Unless someone knows a company specialised in making boards from drawings?


  • KenMKenM Posts: 657
    edited 2004-09-06 23:55

    Making a custom board is not difficult. It takes a little pratice to layout the components, traces etc.

    I strongly recomend

    You download free software, layout your board and order over the net via a few EASY mouse clicks. But you MUST be sure the layout is correct.

  • Jon WilliamsJon Williams Posts: 6,491
    edited 2004-09-07 03:45
    I'm with Ken -- use ExpressPCB to get going if you're new to building custom PCBs. Their software is simple, and their service very good.

    Jon Williams
    Applications Engineer, Parallax
    Dallas Office
  • ChristianGChristianG Posts: 29
    edited 2004-09-07 07:49
  • basicstampedebasicstampede Posts: 214
    edited 2004-09-10 20:48

    When you say that the Javelin Starter kit is great, what particular aspect of the kit are you referring to?

    I've been plodding through the Javelin Manual (1.0) and I feel I need more help in getting started with Javelin.

    I've purchased a book on Java by Schildt and it helps.·

    Is there something I've missed that you've got?· Were you an experienced Java programmer when you started using the Javelin?· (I'm a complete novice at Java as you can gather).

  • ChristianGChristianG Posts: 29
    edited 2004-09-14 07:21
    My situation is the opposite of yours; I know almost nothing about electronics, and a lot of java. My aim was to make a weather station linked to the internet. I started first using a gprs modem from siemens controlling a weather station from 1-wire instruments (Dallas). The Siemens module has a java-VM and can run an application that communicates with peripherals through rs232. But it was not working well. I could only control the sensors through a java-api provided by Dallas. I could not make my own circuits, and I could not control the analog signals. I had trouble with the power supply of the weather station too.

    With javelin I got many new possibilities:
    - The analog to digital conversion is great; it gives a close control of my sensors.
    - The possibility to compose my own circuits with different sensors.
    - Communication with peripherals is solved, good control of the com-port and level shifter.
    - Using java to write applications is alto great.

    Understanding java of course helps, but it’s really easy to learn, and I guess that it makes things simpler when you want to make a complex application.
    Of course you could always use the BASIC stamp 2 and program things in PBASIC, but I really think java is more comprehensive.
    You can make you own classes and hide complex functionality in them (I don’t know PBASIC, but I guess that it’s more complicated). There are things missing with javelin, likelthreads and exception handling, but you still can make great things.


    Post Edited (ChristianG) : 9/14/2004 2:30:11 PM GMT
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