servo motor control
I recently got the BS2 in order to control my autonomous robot; for movement I am using servo motors. In order to power my servo motor, I am using four AA batteries, which provide a sufficient voltage amount for my servo (6V). I connected the power and ground wires from the battery case directly to their·appropiate locations in·the plug where the wires from the servo motors connect; then, when I attached the remaining wire from the servo motor (the data wire) into one of the input·pins on the carrier board 2, the servo motor began to fry. Does anybody know why this happened, and what I can do to fix this problem?
Chris Savage
Knight Designs
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I have found that a BS2, powered up and reset, supposed to have
all digital pins set to "input" does strange things to servos.
Really strange while downloading from my PC to the BS2.
I have gone to gently centering all servos with power off.
Not connecting the servo power until the BS2 has its
download and program is running, only then apply the
servo power, battery.