BS1 proto board considerations
hey ya,
i bought a "stamp collection". i have a bs1 but cannot use it bc i dont have a proto board,
hence, i'm building a bs1 proto board so that i may program my bs1 and plug it in to a bread board or something.
are there any special considerations for designing such an animal...
wait let me check the parallax website...
...2 minutes lator...
i found the "BASIC Stamp 1 Carrier Board" but i didnt see any schematics
any help would be well received
rox on
nick B
i bought a "stamp collection". i have a bs1 but cannot use it bc i dont have a proto board,
hence, i'm building a bs1 proto board so that i may program my bs1 and plug it in to a bread board or something.
are there any special considerations for designing such an animal...
wait let me check the parallax website...
...2 minutes lator...
i found the "BASIC Stamp 1 Carrier Board" but i didnt see any schematics
any help would be well received
rox on
nick B
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
i didnt think i had a manual handy for a bs1 but turns out i was wrong; i have "basic stamp manual v1.9" on a bookshelf far far away... well slightly out of arms length
i drove on down to radioshack and picked up a pc board and whipped one up and its working fine.
i think i'll toy around with your "serial slave device" from this nifty nuts & volts's article
btw, kudos on the very excellent bs1 programming adapter!
rox on
nick B
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Yes, that is a dandy little device. Now as for a protodevice for your BS1, I've got a dandy idea, based on the standard BS1 carrier board, and a WW socket for 16, and a cable wearing two dip headers. My website has the details, plus a photograph.·
Just look on the bottom of the home page for the reference, and go there.One of our correspondents, you can guess who, on the old board, when I posted the message there, was quite taken with it.
Buck Rogers
rox on
nick B