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Using Basic Stamp and Text to Speech module. — Parallax Forums

Using Basic Stamp and Text to Speech module.

jimmjimm Posts: 3
edited 2004-08-27 02:12 in BASIC Stamp
I would like to be able to detect something with data in it from a distance of about
four feet and convert that data to speach. I have thought about using a RFID label to
hold the data, then convert the data to speach with a Basic Stamp and the text to speech
module. Any comments or sugestions would be appreciated.


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2004-08-26 15:10

    Can you explain the "data" part a bit better? There are really easy to use RF modules with built-in error checking. I think I'm a bit confused because you mentioned distance detection plus data transmission and this likely involves two different solutions.

    If you simply want to detect the distance to an object and "say" the distance. . .

    The Analog Infrared Sensor works well up to about 40" but over that your most common choice would be the SRF04 which works well up to 3m.

    We've written most all of the code for you already, so I recommend you start with our SRF04 source code and add the Emic SEROUT routines. You could have it working in a half hour or less.

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc
  • jimmjimm Posts: 3
    edited 2004-08-27 02:12
    Sorry about the confusion.

    Reader of information
    Voice module says "This is a test."
    | <-- up to four feet -->

    RFID Tag or other passive device with information.
    (Such as "This is a test.")

    I mentioned the RFID tag as an example of a passive tag that holds information. Everything I have read on RFID indicates
    that the information can be read for a only short distance (inches). I would like to know the maximum distance that I could read a
    RFID tag and if there is a better way to do the above.
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