howto interface?: Servos with built in encoders (industrial )
I have been looking at "heavy duty" servos with encoders on them such as these:
Can anyone give me some pointers on how to interface these to a Basic stamp? or show me some "industrial " servos w/encoders that you have already interfaced
Will it be something as simple as a DC motor with an encoder?
Can anyone give me some pointers on how to interface these to a Basic stamp? or show me some "industrial " servos w/encoders that you have already interfaced
Will it be something as simple as a DC motor with an encoder?
They appear to be quadrature encoders that are used on those industrial servo motors. This web page will give you some tips as to how you can use a state machine technique to interface with them:
Thanks go to Dr. Tracy Allen for this excellent reference on Stamp Applications methods.
Bruce Bates
Good luck!
Al Williams
control the dc motor via relay·<< has 2 threads that show how to interface·dual channel and quad-channel encoders
to the pic.. So that will give a general idea on how to do it with a bs2