SXSim - Any support available?
I'm new to SX programming, I've purchased an SX Key and some chips, but sometimes I just want to work off-line (like on the train while commuting), so SXSim would be great for me.·
Unfortunately, I downloaded SXSim and unpacked it, but when I try to load the test.lst file, I get the following error:
Run-time error '13':
Type mismatch
I've tried this on two machines, one running XP and the other Windows 98 SE, same error both times.· Does anyone have any ideas?·
-Michael C.
I'm new to SX programming, I've purchased an SX Key and some chips, but sometimes I just want to work off-line (like on the train while commuting), so SXSim would be great for me.·
Unfortunately, I downloaded SXSim and unpacked it, but when I try to load the test.lst file, I get the following error:
Run-time error '13':
Type mismatch
I've tried this on two machines, one running XP and the other Windows 98 SE, same error both times.· Does anyone have any ideas?·
-Michael C.
I just figured it was something I was doing.
I'm running XP also.
please let me know from where you have downloaded SXSim, and which version you have downloaded (or the time/date stamps of the files in the ZIP). There are some SX simulators around but I called my version "SXSim" therefore, I'm pretty sure that it is one of my versions. This helps me to eliminate earlier versions that still might have a bug (which does not mean that the current one has none :-)).
Size of ZIP file is 220310 bytes.
Title says "SXSim 1.0"
I downloaded it directly from two days ago, here are the particulars:
SXSIM.exe· 212,992 bytes, June 02, 2004, 10:34:18
Let me know if you need anything else.
-Michael C.
I just downloaded SXSim from the Parallax site, just to be sure that I test the same version you both have. The strange thing is that here, I can load test.lst w/o problems, and I can simulate the program with no errors.
The run-time error indicates that something goes wrong when loading the files - actually, it loads test.lst, and test.sim (when it exists). The .sim files are created by SXSim, and there it saves the breakpoints, and the I/O panel configuration. Maybe, you rename the .sim file to something else, so that SXSim does not "see" it, and try to load test.lst again. When no error occurs, the problem is a bad format in the .sim file. Although this is hard to believe because here, I don't have trouble with it.
You might also try to load any of your own .lst files, and see if this works.
Nevertheless, in the meantime, I have a later version of SXSim, and I'm currently implementing the correct handling of the DC flag which is missing in Version 1.0. This new version has some other enhancements too. I hope that I get it done today, and will post it here in the forum.
Deleting the test.sim file seems to have corrected the problem. A new test.sim file was created, and all seems well. I'll start playing with this one, but I'm also looking forward to the new version. Thanks again!
PS, I purchased your book "Programming the SX microcontroller, a complete guide", I'm only about 40 pages into it, but nice job!
-Michael C.
Deleting the test.sim file worked for me also.
in the meantime, I have found out why here the original test.sim file loads ok where you have had trouble with it. In the first line of this file, I save date and time of the list file when SXSim terminates. This is to allow SXSim to check if the list file has been modified between the current session and a later re-load. In this case, the saved breakpoints may no longer be correct, and SXSim opens a dialog where the user can decide if (s)he wants to restore the breakpoints.
As the German date and time format is different as the US format, and Windows respects this, you get a type mismatch when reading a date/time string formatted the "German way", as it was in the .sim which came with the package.
Please stay tuned for the next version of SXSim,
here comes·the new version 1.2 of SXSim- Please give it a try, and let me know what you think...
How did you do it? I'm totally in awe of your programming. Clean layout, nice features, seems to work correctly. No huge install, single executable, no-code bloat, fast, etc... What is that written in?
P.S. Note that I managed to keep myself from using an emoticon...
James Newton, Host of 1-619-652-0593 fax:1-208-279-8767
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when doing stuff like this, I'm very "selfish" in the first place, i.e. I want to make advantage of the code. by myself first - I'm just kidding - I'm glad that you like it.
Well, it is written in Visual Basic, and I'm glad that it does not require a huge install because my VB only allows to generate German language installs - therefore, I only used the basic BASICs while doing this version of SXSim (and future ones).
In the meantime, I have added two more buttons to the "Control" section: The "Load last" button lets you re-load the list file that you have simulted during the last SXsim session. The other one, the "Skip Over" button is still "under construction". Basically, it shall have the same effect as the "Skip" button, except when the current instruction is a call. In this case, simulation will execute the called subroutine at full speed until a ret/retp/retw instruction is detected.
As you can see, SXSim - by no means - is finished yet...