BS2 Timing - Where are the limits ??????

That said , and thinking about my R/C Heli proyect in sensing the rotor's RPM· i am tempted , once the BS2 is airborn : Why not take advantage of this and sense the engine's temperature too ??? , and why not get this findings displayed on a screen ??? ,logging the info for later retrieval ,.....·and whatever else ther could be done with the stamp during flight ·???
There will obviously be a time when the BS is so bussy doing other things that it will be late to take onother RPM reading wich is his mayor task in the proyect.
Apart from considering add-on coprocessors to accomplish this,·· ·I ask :
Is there a way that , in the design fase , you could make a working estimate of the time it will take for the BS2 to execute each instruction· ????? Examples : to manage with a BRANCH , an IF Then, an LOOKUP , a·DATA read/write ,·etc ???···

Anybody to help me with this ???
Thank you all
for some data on the execution time of different PBASIC commands.
-- Tracy
Tracy Allen
Wise men say : it is not what you look at, but the way you do it.
Excellent link . Been so many times there and did not see it .