Posting to the wrong place

I noticed that 'Forum Quick Jump' does not always change when you move to another forum using the adjacent box or another route.
If you forget where you are and look to the right - at the Forum Quick Jump.
Instead of looking to the left - the 'Parallax Forums > Public Forums > [noparse][[/noparse]etc.]
You loose track of where you are and·may think you posted to one forum but find your posting in another!
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Post Edited (Herzog) : 8/18/2004 10:31:13 AM GMT
If you forget where you are and look to the right - at the Forum Quick Jump.
Instead of looking to the left - the 'Parallax Forums > Public Forums > [noparse][[/noparse]etc.]
You loose track of where you are and·may think you posted to one forum but find your posting in another!
G. Herzog in Taiwan
Post Edited (Herzog) : 8/18/2004 10:31:13 AM GMT