NEWBIE information, I need to find a kit thats right for me.
HI I just found this site on the net and its great. I want to get into this hobby but i was wondering what the other users of this forum suggest for a begginer/intermediate level? I have experience in the following areas Remote Control Cars/servos/receivers/transmitters, mechanical assembly, lots of electronic knowledge such as 555 timer circuits and·LED blinkers, I have good knowledge on PC programing, HTML, DOS Basic.
I want a kit that would get be started but not at the lowest·level,·something thats in the middle.. so then i can acquire the knowledge and experience and work my·way up to my·own circuit programing and such.
I want a kit that would get be started but not at the lowest·level,·something thats in the middle.. so then i can acquire the knowledge and experience and work my·way up to my·own circuit programing and such.
With your skills and experience you will breeze through the easy parts and really get a lot out of the advanced material.· Once you've got a handle on programming and interfacing the BASIC Stamp microcontroller, our Nuts & Volts columns will give you lots of ideas.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office