IRL520 Symbol in Express SCH - Being driven with BS2
I am trying to create a schematic in the newst version of Express SCH.
What symbol should I use for the IRL520?·
· Thanks
What symbol should I use for the IRL520?·

There is also a picture of the component shown below. I believe you will need to save it to your express pcb "SchComponents_Library" folder. At least that is where it lives on my system after creating and saving the custom component.
You should check with ExpressPCB website about the placement of custom components in the library that you claim. A custom component should ONLY be placed in "SchComponents_Custom" once created. If you have any other questions, I may be able to help. I use and have used ExpressPCB product extensively for about 3 years. I have a very large custom schematic components library and a smaller PCB library. Custom PCB components should be placed in "PCBComponents_Custom".
Bill, KC9CFO
The custom component is indeed inside the folder "SchComponents_Custom"
Yeah, I too have been using express PCB for about 4 years. Good service in my opinion.
Using your image as a guidleline I went ahead and created a custom symbol for ExpressSCH.
I have created a schematic for using the stamp to drive the IRL520.· Is attached.· I would appreciate your you guys takig a look at it to make sure I got it lain out correctly.
Thanks again for the help!
I viewed the schematic and the layout is correct. As you probably already know, when the stamp output pin is high, the relay will turn on.
One additional IMPORTANT note, you should connect a diode across the relay coil. Cathode (the end with the line) goes to the +12 side of the relay coil. Also, what resistor value to you intend to use? 10K to 1 meg will work.
I thought about the suprssion diode just after I sent the schematic.· I added an 1N4004.
I'll probably keep the value of the resistor low to keep switching speed up, not that it's that critical.
What value would you recommend?· Since this resistor connects the stamp pin to ground, I am assuming that it will keep it from floating?· Is that correct?
Thanks for the help
The resistor value recommended can be anywhere from 10k to 1 meg. You are correct that the resistor is to keep the gate from floating, as the MOSFET will not turn off if it is allowed to float once activated. Although if the gate is always connected to the stamp it
Do you remember what the recommended Pullup/Pulldown resistor value is for stamp pins?
I thought that perhaps I could kill two birds with one stone and use the recommended value to keep the stamp pin from floating, and perhaps at the same time keep the gate of the IRL520 from floating also.
Thanks for all your input.
The Stamp pin that will drive the IRL520 will be an output, and therefore it will be in only one of two states, 5v or 0v, so a pull-up or pull-down is not needed.
To that end, some would also say that the Gate Source resistor in the MOSFET is not needed and I would agree. However, if the stamp loses power, I am not sure of the impeadance of the stamp pin, so the Gate Source resistor is a good practice to use it.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
Thanks in advance for your help...