Multiple EEPROMs for one Stamp?
Hewwo, all.· I had the near miraculous chance of getting some free EEPROM chips.· 5 of them.· They are al 25LC640 I/P094 chips.· I learned how to wire ONE of them to a basic stamp II.· I am still struggling with the code to use them.· What I want to know is if there was a ligitimate reason to need more than one of these EEPROMs for one stamp, how would you wire them all up?· I couldn't see how you could just add them and take up all the I/Os.· Any help?
CS0 - chip select for device 0
CS1 - chip select for device 1
CS2 - chip select for device 2
Clock - clock to all chips
SIO - serial IO to all chips
Use SHIFTOUT and SHIFTIN to communicate with the devices.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
It used multiple 25LC640 for a data logger.
Also see the Parallax app-mod
Tracy Allen
Post Edited (Velvet Leopard) : 8/13/2004 10:46:20 PM GMT