hitec HS-300 servo issue...
I am a pretty noble beast, and I feel like an idiot asking this one, but i have been stumped for hours. I have an hitec HS-300 servo, standard if you diddnt already know, and attached it to P0 on the bs2. The servo moves, but the problem is when I run the simplest of simple programs to it: PULSOUT 0, 500 (next line) END. How much simpler/failproof could that be? it works fine with the standard servo parralax provided me with the "what is a microcontroller?" kit, but the hitec one will turn once, then about 1 secont later, turn again, then again, then 999^9 (or whatever) more times, and never stop, the program has clearly been ended, what in the name of bob is going on here?
thanks in advance,
thanks in advance,
[noparse][[/noparse]edit] Oh, I forgot to mention that the status (power) light on the board does not blink when the servo turns the second, third, etc. time. It does blink when the program first starts though... puzzling...
Post Edited (Whelzorn) : 8/13/2004 3:42:50 AM GMT
[noparse][[/noparse]edit] not only that, but I have 2 of these servos and they do the same exact thing...
[noparse][[/noparse]edit] (carry on from accidental topic) My leads are black, red, yellow, so I think that black and red are pretty standard gnd, +V leads, and the yellow seems to be signal, judging by other servos...
Post Edited (Whelzorn) : 8/13/2004 4:17:21 AM GMT
thanks again for everyones help!
oh, and if the above is at all unclear, please ask for clarification, I did my best describing this...
What happens if you change the END to:
· Goto Done
Kenny Gardner
GAP Development Company
although if anyone has any further suggestions I would live to hear them...
Kenny Gardner
GAP Development Company
[noparse][[/noparse]edit] sorry, I diddnt see yours klaus... and to answer that, I already tried the resistor, and it doesnt work either... thanks for the suggestion though.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dallas Office
although I fly Hitec Tx Rx & servos myself and have happily manage to toy around with some 1980 futaba servos ( mod or not ) ,.... after knowing that Parallax stocks "specialized mod servos " wich include an centering potentiometer ,... I do not think about any other better solution than that . Especialy if you are new to it. ( you want to mow some grass ore something and put some $$$ together to grab some ) , je je
hope this helps you